Like shooting fish in a barrel – IOTW Report

Like shooting fish in a barrel

14 Comments on Like shooting fish in a barrel

  1. The Left fights the idea that an ID is required for a person to cast a vote.

    However, the Left would wildly support the idea that, in order to vote, PEOPLE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO SHOW PROOF THAT THEY ARE VACCINATED.

    Just let that sink in.

  2. Starting tomorrow all Bay Area counties will require face-masks for all indoor public settings. Sacramento counties and LA have already put this mandate into place so now half of all Californians (the other half will soon follow) are under a mask mandate.

    The good news is that we are not Australia, yet, but locked downs are coming in some form or another.

  3. It’s all going full vivid again soon – libs are frothing at the mouth to impose limits on your freedom in the name of herd immunity.

    Suck it up butter cups and do it. This “delta” variants for you!😎

  4. “An ID is required to get vaccinated, so….BOOM!”

    Correct. There has to be a real, identifiable person, at some point.
    How does the poll-worker know that I am presenting “proof of vaccination” showing I am vaccinated, unless they ask for VALID IDENTIFICATION that corresponds with the vaxx document? I have to prove who I am to prove it’s me who was vaxxed.

  5. ” Ted Nougat AUGUST 2, 2021 AT 4:30 PM

    The Left fights the idea that an ID is required for a person to cast a vote.

    However, the Left would wildly support the idea that, in order to vote, PEOPLE WOULD BE REQUIRED TO SHOW PROOF THAT THEY ARE VACCINATED.

    Just let that sink in.”


    You, I, and everyone else knows logic is not a part of the left’s’ game plan. At least any logic that survives the merest of scrutiny.

    It’s all about power over others and keeping it.

    Whatever lie they can think of is the only rule lately. Doesn’t even matter how obvious it is any more or that they just said the opposite in the previous breath.

    The ID thing is one way to keep them from cheating. We can stop playing their game up front and call it that every single time they object to it.

  6. I don’t like any jokes about vaccine passports or taking people’s rights away if you don’t show one. This really pissed me off yesterday and I saw today Trump puts out a statement AGAIN praising his fast delivery of vaccines.


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