Limbaugh and Levin defend Cruz against Trump charges – IOTW Report

Limbaugh and Levin defend Cruz against Trump charges

levin  rush

Presidential candidate Donald Trump took a beating Monday from conservative talk radio hosts Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh for attacking Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.  –Story here


24 Comments on Limbaugh and Levin defend Cruz against Trump charges

  1. Ted Cruz is currently the Standard by which conservatives are measured today (despite some issues, but nobody is perfect).

    Donald Trump is the Standard for how work the media, destroy the PC culture and confound the establishment but is viewed as only leaning conservative.

    If Trump attacks Cruz, he will loose support from serious conservatives.

    Cruz knows he needs Trump, but Trump needs to figure our real quick he needs Cruz as well.

  2. Maybe Trump knows some things about Cruz that we don’t. I’m not torn. TRUMP 2016. And I’m not going to let the media screw with my mind. I think most of here knows what the future will look like if someone like Trump doesn’t clean out the DC establishment.

    I like Levin and Limbaugh too, but they are not omnipotent, and people I used to respect and agree with have turned out to be not quite genius as I thought, so I don’t think I will let pundits make up my mind for me.

  3. It wasn’t the media. I heard the words coming out of Trump’s mouth. He was supporting ethanol, affirmative action, and giving Cruz shit about fighting the establishment. Cruz supports expanding H1B Visa’s and TPP. No candidate is perfect. I’m still undecided.

  4. The headline should read, Levin and Rush excoriate Trump over recent remarks. It was more about Trump’s ill spoken attacks then about defending Cruz, although there was some of that.

    I didn’t hear Levin but have read his remarks and I did hear Rush yesterday. He laid into Trump for attacking Cruz from the left. I agree that Trump put his foot in his mouth.


    Oh I see, we want our mom to be running. She always said the right thing. But she’s not and every Trump supporter knows he has a cannon for a mouth. I not trying to excuse his…idiocy here because that’s what these few instances are, needless foot shootings.

    He fucked up criticizing Pamela what 3 months ago and that hasn’t dimmed my enthusiasm. I still want the only person that says these “syrian refugees” are going back. I don’t want someone who has lied and flip flopped his way through this primary.

    So tonight we’re bound to get a good back and forth between them-let’s see how it shakes out.

  5. Trump uses, in his bag of tricks, the shock value of off-the-cuff cuts and stupid remarks… I am of the opinion that Trump will bail before much longer, when he gets bored with this game…. I believe his turn-on is to see how many Americans will be swayed by his rhetoric. As to the follow-through, meh!

  6. My problem, MM, is deciding whether I can believe anything he says, including his position on “refugees.” We’ve been down this road sooooo many times with politicians. “Read. My. Lips. No new taxes!”

  7. Televangelist Cruz struck the first blow in a private meeting with his sugar daddies.

    After decades, I’m finished with Rush. I’ve been questioning him for years. He’s even said many times that he is first, an entertainer. I am listening right now just to see how Rush tries to weasel out of his Trump bash. He is now doubling down.

    It’s more obvious that Levin has been in the Televangelist’s camp from the beginning. I think he’s romanced by the Televangelist’s blab about being a constitutionalist. I still love Levin’s Liberty Amendments.

    Does Trump have warts? Yes. His warts aren’t as pronounced as Televangelist’s TPP and when he changed his stance on illegal immigration and the F’N visas.

  8. He’s been so empathic about a number of things like they’re going back and we’re building a wall and the jobs are coming back that if he fails to move to fulfill these promises quickly, it’s going to be a shitstorm for him.

    I believe he’s going to follow through.

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