Limerick Causes Rape and Death Threats – IOTW Report

Limerick Causes Rape and Death Threats


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Story HERE

Well, I think it’s our duty to draw some of the fire away from the person receiving the death threats by creating some limericks of our own.

There once was a gentle giant

who wasn’t so officer compliant

He reached for the gun

but Ferguson’s first son

is now Hell’s most recent client


49 Comments on Limerick Causes Rape and Death Threats

  1. There once was a thug called Mike Brown.
    Bang bang, bang ba bang ba bang.
    Bang bang ba bang bang,
    Bang bang ba bang bang,
    “Ya got me,” he said, thunk plop.

  2. There was a Choom guy named Barry
    Who offered hope, change, and unity
    Constitution be damned, he ruled with impunity
    He took the wrong side on every issue, dis organizing every community
    We must end the insanity and stop King Barry.

  3. I saw that limerick in the comments on treehouse. One of the mods was saying not to post “crass insensitive” crap or something like that, but that just got more replies

  4. There once was a guy named Mike Brown,
    Who thought he could rule the whole town,
    His record was long,
    but his time here was gone,
    When he thought he was strong from a bong.

    I know I’m not good at this.
    But the rest were a riot!! Lol!

  5. Dashing through the street,
    with a new flat screen TV
    as long as its a riot
    the cops, they won’t shoot me,

    I Smash and rob and steal,
    burning cars all day
    even though the keys
    are fifty feet away

    I got to get what’s mine
    ’cause ‘The Man’ he beats us down
    All Whitey’s stuff is Free
    Because of Michael Brown

  6. There once was a boy named Trayvon
    Now him and Mike Brown are both gone
    Their friends think “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”
    Gives them license to burn and to loot
    While local police keep their guns drawn

  7. To change the subject…

    There once was a black First Lady not so lean
    Who kept her fingers dipped in the butters and creams
    She ate everything in sight
    From morning til noon til night
    Til she no longer could fit her FAT ASS into her jeans!

  8. These limericks are great. I’m not even going to try one, but i did just get this Sharpton joke in my email…

    Al Sharpton was in Sears. He was there to protest the fact that most all of the washing machines were white. So the clerk called the store manager, who asked, “What’s the problem here, Reverend?” Sharpton pointed at the machines and loudly bemoaned the fact that most of them were white.

    The manager replied, “Well, Reverend, it’s true that most of the washing machines are white, but if you’ll open the lids, you’ll see that all the agitators are black.”

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