LIN WOOD: Lawsuits are not over – IOTW Report

LIN WOOD: Lawsuits are not over

American Attorney Lin Wood on the President’s legal fight in several key states, his personal take into the contested races and more – via Newsmax TV.

17 Comments on LIN WOOD: Lawsuits are not over

  1. If anything is going to happen, it’s going to have to happen real quick like. And it going to have to be decisive beyond challenge.

    Like before the various States appoint their electors and assign them to vote for Biden or Trump and before the Electoral College meets and elects the President.

    At this point, at the rate things are going, I don’t see that happening.

  2. We have “Grand Theft Auto” in this country.

    Do we have “Grand Theft Republic?”

    That is the question before us now.

    Because if we don’t, let’s stop pretending we live in one.

  3. The courts are ignoring the massive fraud and are turning their backs on the public who voted for Trump. The states won’t even throw out the votes cast by illegals and there was a couple million at least.
    Those that committed crimes against the president will skip away free and Biden will never be held to account.
    You have now half the country that couldn’t be more disgusted and PISSED OFF!

  4. McConnell is still working like a madman to confirm judges, 6 district court judges just this week.

    There is still one small glimmer of hope, we must retain 51 Senate seats, any less removes the bulwark between Biden and his anti-American/pro-Chinese, open border, single payer healthcare, taxing businesses to insolvency, open warfare on free-speech/guns/religion/fossil fuels/right to work/ and any decency or comity left in the national discourse. In a word, our country will be a shit-show (OK, 2 words).

  5. MJA — And a couple other things: No one against whom these allegations are being brought has stepped out to say that none of it is true — except Dominion, who made a very weak, broad statement on Opinion Tee Vee. The echo chamber of the Commie Left media’s “no (widespread) evidence of vote fraud” is simply a lie, as we all know. And even their qualifier “widespread” is, in large part, an admission of at least “some”, anyway.

  6. Kamala hasn’t resigned her senate seat. Is anyone talking about that? Watch some of what is not happening and who is now not in the spot light daily anymore talking confidently.

  7. Time is not our friend here. My advice would be to stock up and hunker down. Move your investments into something stable. Precious metals are always a safe bet. I recommend brass and lead. It’s going to be a long 4 years under the Biden administration. After about March it will the Harris administration, when things should get progressively worse.

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