Lin Wood Whistleblower Connects Very Important Dot on Deep State Surveillance and Rosenstein Activity With FBI To Compromise People – IOTW Report

Lin Wood Whistleblower Connects Very Important Dot on Deep State Surveillance and Rosenstein Activity With FBI To Compromise People


Attorney Lin Wood has released an interview with a whistleblower [pdf here] who operated for years within part of the apparatus connected to Deep State surveillance.  While the focus is upon the activity of Rod Rosenstein and even Mike Pence as it relates to the Trump administration, there is part of the interview that connects to a much deeper aspect.  The testimonial connects a larger story if you know what to extract.

While I am still reviewing the overall content, within the first few pages of the interview this segment jumps out – BIG TIME:

10 Comments on Lin Wood Whistleblower Connects Very Important Dot on Deep State Surveillance and Rosenstein Activity With FBI To Compromise People

  1. INTERVIEWEE:· · · · That group, I mean, they’re all
    13· interconnected one way or another.· That particular group was
    14· Rod, VP Pence, Paul Ryan.· That was the core of that group.
    15· Rod was in there, but that was the core of it.· It was an
    16· attempt, where Rod was the brilliant legal mind behind it, to
    17· remove President Trump under the 25th Amendment.
    18· · · · · · The (inaudible) had an operational name for it in
    19· the beginning, “Run Silent, Run Deep,” but nobody really used
    20· it after a while, and it didn’t make any sense because it was
    21· such a small group.· But that’s an old movie about somebody
    22· being passed over for a promotion, which they both felt they
    23· were.
    24· · · · · · Now, VP Pence hated President Trump because he had
    25· taken his slot as rightful president — he felt that he did –
    ·1· – and Paul Ryan was actually — considered running as well
    ·2· for the vice presidential slot, and Mitt Romney was also
    ·3· involved.· But they don’t — they thought President Trump was
    ·4· an outsider who has not paid his dues; they just didn’t like
    ·5· him.
    ·6· · · · · · So, once VP Pence was in there, once President
    ·7· Trump was elected — and obviously Vice President Pence, he
    ·8· just walked away and everything became very quiet.· That was
    ·9· their mole inside, so he could run interference and make
    10· certain things and just keep tabs on the president and manage
    11· him.
    12· · · · · · INTERVIEWER:· · · · So, was this a friendly
    13· relationship between Mike Pence and Rosenstein or was there
    14· any kind of leverage being placed on the president — or the
    15· vice president at the time?

  2. American exceptionalism? Well, ok, if you separate the American gov’t from the American people who are exceptional. Because the American gov’t is just a corrupt stinkhole of evil.

  3. I had thought Lin Wood was going a little whacky with some of that stuff he was saying, but now i have to re-evaluate.

    Get the evidence out there.

  4. “Ryan D. White.· It’s not my·9· birth name.· It’s not the name I prefer.”

    Fake and/or unverifiable name?

    That won’t hold much water in legal actions, and legal actions are all that counts. You have to use your real legal name to provide testimony.

    Or did I misunderstand it?

  5. This certainly paints Pence’s image as carefully crafted to obscure his duplicitous nature. I had speculated on this and had good reason for my questioning if his ultra squeaky clean and a relative outsider to the machinations that define Washington DC image being rather contrived because it smacked me as being a caricature of every trait that authentic people seem to innately, if not have developed as part of their upbringing would be expected to possess. People of that nature simply do not impress me as going overboard the way he does to project their virtues to the world the way he does.

    I felt that he was working hard to project an image and that always inclines me to skepticism. In those cases I reserve the right to reserve judgement, I do not reject the image outright, it may very well be just awkwardness and not by design that he impresses me as “trying to hard.” Or it could be trying to overcompensate for what he knows are weaknesses or it could be him putting this out in public as a way to keep himself on track…. or it could be a carefully crafted counterfeiting of a virtue he thinks will sell to middle America.

    This interview suggests the latter. Time will tell.

  6. Oh for the love of God… Lin is not to be trusted. This could just be the product of a group that wants to prevent Pence from ever being POTUS by alienating him from Trump’s base. Lin is a motherfucker… and a democrat… to be redundant.

  7. 1. This is an “interview”, not a sworn depo.
    2. I ran across an audio of this interview months ago (accompanied by bizarre graphics and some sort of buses that I suppose were meant to be delivering members of Congress into the back entrance of the Capital under the cover of darkness). The entire thing was bizarro.
    The interviewer sounded like he was on his deathbed.

    While I’ve no doubt there may be tidbits of truth (we all know the dirty scoundrels mentioned throughout), I deem this to be similar to the Q psyop.
    They’d love nothing better than to pin the remaining Trump supporters who weren’t at the capital as crazy.

  8. Just release everything to the public along with plenty of photos. There will never be any serious trials or convictions with appropriate punishment for the scum. At least they become known for who and what they are so the honest Americans that still make up 70% of the population can shun them, their families and any “friends”.

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