Lincoln Project Donors Include Romney’s Bain And China-Linked Sequoia Capital – IOTW Report

Lincoln Project Donors Include Romney’s Bain And China-Linked Sequoia Capital

Whaaaaat??? Noooooo…

National Pulse:

The information shows a dedicated group of major donors mostly from the political left or hard-left, destroying claims made by the scandal-embroiled Lincoln Project that their organization somehow represents Trump-disenfranchised Republicans.

The FBI is now investigating allegations related to the conduct of leading founder Jon Weaver, who stands accused of grooming young men.

The list includes Hollywood types, hedge fund managers, alleged fraudsters, and Mitt Romney’s life-long firm, Bain Capital.

The list also includes Michael Moritz, a Partner at the venture capital firm Sequoia, who donated a sizable sum in three donations in May, June, and July of 2020: one worth $50,000 and two worth $25,000. read more

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