PJM: One of the more insidious aspects of the Democrats’ stranglehold on the mainstream media in American politics is the ungodly amount of cash to be made by Republicans who are willing to turn on their own party and friends. Not just any Republicans, obviously, but politicians (current and former), activists, and — most often — consultants.
I’ve written much in the past about my disdain for the political consultant class. They’re a lot like the ranks of NFL head coaches were for years: they don’t really have to be consistently good at what they do, they just need the one partial success that gets them into the Good Ol’ Boys club then they can stink it up forever and still make money.

The grifter gig was particularly lucrative for turncoat Republicans during President Trump’s first four years in office. The thing about being a useful idiot, however, is that one does not remain useful for long. The kids at the Lincoln Project were put on the “outlived your usefulness” clock as soon as vote counts began looking good for Joe Biden. No matter how this eventually plays out, they know that their days are numbered. It was just a matter of days after the election when one of the Democrats’ loudest voices — Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar — called out the face of the Lincoln Project for an old tweet. read more
I hope Antifa beats the living shit out of Rick Wilson and then sets him on fire.
These RINO turncoats remind me of the motley crew of Co-Conspirators that John Wilkes Booth rounded up to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson, and Secretary of State William Seward. Thankfully, these bums were even less successful in their efforts.
Money for treason, and your kicks for free. Watching the uni-party politicians in DC, is like watching hogs jostling each other to be the first at the feeding trough.
Follow the money.
LP jerks are ticked because Trump ended the gravy train. No big defense contracts for the eternal mideast wars. No money for influence or access to the WH.
No party every other day at the WH.
Trump is actually doing the business of the country.
Now the LP weasels have been used up and kicked to the curb by the Dems.
Trump won’t be foolish enough to let two-faced traitors close.
Too bad so sad.
Proverbs 15:27
He who is greedy for unjust gain brings trouble on his household, but he who hates bribes will live.
I loved how Rush guest host called LP ‘Let’s Kill Lincoln Again Project’ yesterday. Perfect.