Linda Tripp opens up on Clinton enablers – IOTW Report

Linda Tripp opens up on Clinton enablers

Weekly Standard: Monica Lewinsky’s confidante has a lot to say to the women who have finally acknowledged that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator.

As the reckoning over sexual abuse finally reaches Bill Clinton, with handwringing by some of his former defenders in the press and in politics, one Clinton White House veteran is following developments with particular interest—and a large measure of skepticism.

“It’s a day late, and it’s a dollar short,” says Linda Tripp, who, 20 years ago, was thrust into the center of the sex scandal that led to Clinton’s impeachment. It was Tripp who revealed the president’s sexual relationship with a 21-year-old White House intern and, for her troubles, was painted as the villain of the sordid episode.

Tripp has a quiet life in Northern Virginia horse country, avoiding the public attention that was so unwelcome in the late 1990s. But the unending flow of headlines about the bad behavior of powerful men, she says, “is forcing me to relive a lot of it.” She’s unconvinced by recent calls in the press for Clinton’s deeds to be reconsidered in a more critical light. “They have nothing to lose, and this is now permissible,” she says. “The fact that the Clintons are dead in the water gives [the media] tacit approval to act like human beings. . . . It’s disingenuous.”

She finds it particularly galling to hear former Clinton defenders attributing their latter-day awakening to evolving social mores. In a November 16 interview with the New York Times, New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand said that she now believes that Bill Clinton should have resigned because of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. “Things have changed,” she said.

“What information do they have at their fingertips today that they didn’t have 20 years ago?” Tripp asks. “What information has changed?”  read more

5 Comments on Linda Tripp opens up on Clinton enablers

  1. What’s funny is that all the Lefties who bitch about Conservatives objectifying women zing her because of her weight (then or now).

    I always thought she was a pretty good looking woman.

  2. Those leftists having a Come To Jesus moment on Bill Clinton are full of $hit. If they really meant it then there is STILL something they could do to prove it.
    If they meant it, then from this moment on Bill Clinton’s schedule should be completely empty. No speeches. No dinners. No conferences. No appearances of any kind because people of integrity do not want to meet with a rapist, right? Yeah, sure.
    As long as there are ANY events on Bill Clinton’s calendar, the left is full of $hit.

  3. They sorta-kinda disavow Bill Clinton AFTER voting for his rapist-enabling wife.

    But there is enough room to retract their statements if they need to.


  4. Wait until it’s exposed that Linda Tripp was the “other woman” in Hillary’s ‘interest’ list.

    I have $5 that says Tripp and Hillary were buddies of the carpet persuasion.

    Somebody prove otherwise.

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