Lindell to sue Kevin McCarthy over exclusive release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

Lindell to sue Kevin McCarthy over exclusive release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson

“Fox is gonna sift through it and only put out what they want,” he contended.

“Why does just Fox get this? So they can cover it up even more?” he asked. “It’s disgusting. All of us, including War Room, we all need to see what’s on those tapes, and we need to see all of them.”

“We’re gonna run this all the way to the Supreme Court,” Lindell vowed.

20 Comments on Lindell to sue Kevin McCarthy over exclusive release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson

  1. Anything less ahould be presumed to be supression of exhonorating evidence for any and all “January 6th” defendants including those “convicted” to date.

    And are exhibit 1 for the various federal angencies involved in that whole fake b.s. insurrection.

  2. “Brad you are fucking pricelessly ignorant as fuck!”

    Quite honestly the problem I have with that is if we were face to face, you’d never say that to me. I fucking hate key board cowards. And you take the cake.

  3. Who exactly is being a keyboard warrior?
    It seems you are always threatening violence.
    Obviously because you can’t back up your bullshit with facts.
    Simple as that.

    BTW, I fear NO MAN who feels the need to spend six days a week in the gym.
    Tiny dick syndrome.

  4. Honestly Brad, you are far too easy to rile up.
    Most of my comments here are for fun.

    I do defend people like Tucker, who does more for our side than nearly anyone else in the fucking world.
    Hell, DJT still listens to Lyndsey Graham.
    You know it, I know it.

  5. I have to say one more thing about Tucker Carlson.
    His show tonight was one that could have been developed by Rush Limbaugh, Ronald Reagan, and Donald J. Trump.
    All the conservative topics you could assemble.
    All the red-meat spot on, on topic, nailed to a T.
    Yet you go ahead and be a fucking moron and make up lies and bullshit.
    Only an idiot speaks like you do.
    Ignorant dumbfuck.
    Douchebag sack of shit!

  6. kevin should have released the footage to all news outlets
    that would have put the legacy media in an awkward spot

    it would prevent them from deceptive editing because they’d know other media groups were given the same info

    and, if everyone knows the legacy media got a copy but then decided not to report any findings, that would confirm their compliance with the wrongdoers

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