Linds: Republicans supporting Trump impeachment damaging GOP – IOTW Report

Linds: Republicans supporting Trump impeachment damaging GOP

He’s Baaaaack. [For now]


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Wednesday criticized a bipartisan effort to impeach President Trump, and argued that Republican lawmakers who support it will be hurting their own party.

Graham, who has been aligned closely with President Trump for most of the past four years, said the mob that stormed the Capitol last week should be held accountable, but that Republicans should not support impeachment.

“To my Republican colleagues who legitimize this process, you are doing great damage not only to the country, the future of the presidency, but also to the party. … The individuals who participated in the storming of the Capitol should be met with the full force of the law. They should and will be held accountable,” Graham said in the statement. more

42 Comments on Linds: Republicans supporting Trump impeachment damaging GOP

  1. He is right!
    I think you misspelled UNIPARTY. On my screen is comes “bipartisan”. dProbably a TCP/IP “glitch”> Right? We all know UNIPARTY starts with a “U”!

  2. BigTech is sold out to CCP as well.
    Republican – RINO’s
    John Katko of New York
    Liz Cheney of Wyoming
    Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
    Fred Upton of Michigan
    Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
    Dan Newhouse of Washington
    Peter Meijer of Michigan
    Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
    Tom Rice of South Carolina
    David Valadao of California

  3. Katko (R-NY), a former federal prosecutor and moderate Republican who endorsed Trump for reelection, said he reviewed the facts and reached his own conclusion.
    Share those facts with us, dickweed. One thing we’ve seen over the past few years is that the story that comes out immediately after an event is usually partially, if not fully, incorrect.

  4. Apparently after getting his ass handed to him by that mob in the airport the other day, Graham suddenly remembers that he’s supposed to be a conservative. Fuck off, you two-faced weasel.

  5. Supporting the impeachment is the icing on the cake. Not fighting a clearly fraudulent election and using an orchestrated event that was mild compared to any other ‘riots’ including in DC that BLM / Antifa engaged in as an excuse to install Biden in the dead of night was the end of the road for me. I watched every Trump rally even when he was doing 4-5 a day and at every rally these republicans begged to have Trump endorse them, call them out by name and even allow them to get up on stage for a few moments. And now they think they are going to send him packing and we will all forget by 2022? What is next they ban him from the RNC and guarantee a new party? I believe POTUS is quiet – when your enemy decides to destroy themselves stand back and let them.

  6. They may be right when they call us stupid. At least I feel stupid for believing that the nation would feel some gratitude for all the president accomplished for the people of this country. Boy was I wrong!

  7. Wasn’t that faggot crying before the real November election because he was going to lose? I think patriots kept him in office. But of course now I’m wondering if he didn’t make a deal with Chicom Biden! Fuck him and all of them!!!

  8. “I hope to God that the US military is on the citizens side & the constitution not the globalists.” -Kcir

    That’s correctly looking down the road a wee bit, imo, because if things “go hot” and stay hot, there WILL be some kind of foreign involvement on our soil.

  9. He’s a dollar short and a day late. I got my voter registration card today with my new registration as Independent.
    I was talking to a mailman and they said they are delivering a bunch of them this week. He said it looked like it wasn’t just threats to leave the Republican party. I told him that there are many who are waiting until January 20th to make it symbolic, so get ready to deliver a lot more.

    When you lose voters in a very rural county in the reddest state in America, you are in trouble, but then maybe they don’t give a shit as they will just create their own votes.

  10. Any conservatives I’ve asked since 2016 have been sending any money directly to either the Trump Campaign or to the individual races that Trump endorsed. No more moola-moola for the RNC. Just today I sent a strongly worded memo in response to what’s-her-name’s email plea for “unity” and an end to the “violence”. She also wanted to lecture me on how we can’t survive as a country without a “peaceful transfer of power.” These people are freakin’ brain dead!! Stupid liars!!

    The GOPe hasn’t learned one darn thing in the past 5 years! That’s a sign of staggering arrogance and stupidity.

  11. I still don’t get why the impeachment goes to the Senate after Biden is installed. Everybody says it’s to convict him so he can’t run again, but it seems more like it’s to convict him so he can’t have his second term right now if the fraud is exposed.

    I know, crazy talk. They can’t possibly be worried about that, can they? They sure act like they are, though.

  12. They know the dollar is going to crash no matter what, and they are all fighting to loot the country for themselves. It’s about money and power and Trump is still in the way. If the CCP gets to take over they will be at the top of the CCP’s list of non-essential people, yeah they’re short-sighted.
    FYI, Trump is unbreakable.

  13. I guess getting yelled at in the airport and missing his flight gave Miss Graham some time to think.

    He wants his legacy to be ‘good’, Lindsey Graham has always valued how he appears to his constituents (which is why he’s closeted), so him falling in line for Trump makes sense- plus Trump is a fantastic ally to have!

  14. Chuffed,
    Graham doesn’t care about “Muh Legacy”, all he cares about is staying in power. Also going on Sean Vannity’s show every other day and Bartiromo’s on Sunday.

    But I’m not gonna tell anyone here “I toldja so.”

    Oh wait, I just did, hate me later.


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