Lindsey Graham Denies Rumors – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Denies Rumors

Daily Caller: Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina announced on Monday that he has no intention of working for President Donald Trump as the Attorney General in the future.

“Well, I’m going to run [for Senate] again — there ya go, you made news — I’m definitely running,” Graham told a reporter outside of a Pickens County GOP event. “I enjoy my job. I think I’m better at it today than I’ve ever been. I love my job. I love representing the people of our state.”  MORE

15 Comments on Lindsey Graham Denies Rumors

  1. Next Attorney General needs to be someone away from the D.C. swamp. Somebody with big feet who doesn’t care about stepping on toes and hurting feelings would be great.

  2. It’s nice that Lindsey supported an Establishment candidate like Kavanaugh.

    However, this is the same guy who two short years ago was calling everybody bigots for wanting to enforce immigration laws that are already on the books.

    Put me down as cautiously pessimistic.

  3. “I enjoy my job. I think I’m better at it today than I’ve ever been.”
    -Lindsey Graham, Senator for 15 years.

    Graham is on double secret probation with me until 2020

  4. Never ever trust a pickle pirate. The need for acceptance makes them easy to manipulate.

    Their occult activity makes easy targets for extortion. I would not be surprised if he were a foreign agent’s CI.

  5. I’m glad he made this decision. If his new-found strength is temporary (and I really hope it’s not), as AG he could be another Jeffie. Plus, his experience is as a legislator and not as an executive bureaucrat. Running again for the Senate is a mini-max solution: minimize the risk first, then maximize the benefit.

  6. Don’t be fooled – Mz. Lindsey, a progressive, is no fan of President Trump. He’s made snide remarks about President Trump’s intelligence, more than once.
    All Mz. Lindsey cares about is his political career. Nothing more. His new found role as a conservative banner bearer is motivated by his next election bid. He’s a shrewd politician, swamp sympathizer and capable of turning on a dime for his benefit.
    Hint-reread his answer. The evidence of his true motives are there.


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