Lindsey Graham Hits Back At Squad: ‘I’m Going to Bury Your Agenda’ – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Hits Back At Squad: ‘I’m Going to Bury Your Agenda’


It seems Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger was making out with a WAPO reporter and started to trash talk Graham. Which then set The Squad to squawking. Graham was having none of that crap.

10 Comments on Lindsey Graham Hits Back At Squad: ‘I’m Going to Bury Your Agenda’

  1. Lindsey was fist bumping Kamala a few days ago on the Senate floor. Graham plays all angles but you can’t count on him for anything. Also note all the loser republicans that are on the Sunday shows this weekend. Chris Christie talking about Trump’s legal team a national disgrace. Corrupt republicans trying to move on.

  2. Has anyone run a list of how many former congressmen, interns, cia, fbi, governors, mayors, etc., are working in media right now?
    I mean, it’s one thing to own a company and you’re just an asshole, but when you recruit assholes from government, that’s a major problem.

  3. “but IF Trump is no longer president, he’ll be crocheting doilies in the corner.”

    Nope, he’ll be right back to reaching across the aisle in the spirit of going along to get along just like he always has. Graham 2.Zero’s motto is “any port in a storm”.


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