Lindsey Graham Invites Rudy Giuliani to Judiciary Panel to Discuss Recent Ukraine Visit – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham Invites Rudy Giuliani to Judiciary Panel to Discuss Recent Ukraine Visit

Breitbart: On Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) invited Rudy Giuliani to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his trip to Ukraine earlier this month.

Graham said, “Rudy, if you want to come and tell us what you found, I’ll be glad to talk to you.”

He added, “We can look at what Rudy’s got and Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and anything else you want to look at after impeachment. But if Rudy wants to come to the Judiciary Committee and testify about what he found, he’s welcome to do so.” WATCH

13 Comments on Lindsey Graham Invites Rudy Giuliani to Judiciary Panel to Discuss Recent Ukraine Visit

  1. Getting there will be the hardest part. Rudy will have to run the gauntlet. Despite Lindsey’s “”best efforts””, Rudy will be procedurally denied testimony. I say this based on Lindsey’s plan for the Senate impeachment trial. I hope I’m wrong, but the rug is laying there, and Lindsey has a broom in his hands.

  2. I hope Rudy does testify, that way the Demons can’t come back and say Well he knows all Trumps secrets and without him the country will always be wondering what they’re hiding.

  3. Rudy’s no dummy.
    Graham may be sincere.
    DC is more Byzantine than Byzantium.

    After Napoleon’s fall some frog dude published the names of Generals and Politicians who had switched sides during the Napoleonic Era.
    It became so vast he edited it to “just” the Generals and Politicians who switched sides TWICE.
    THAT too became so voluminous that he (again) edited it to “only” include those Generals and Politicians who switched sides THRICE!

    We seem to be entering a similarly convoluted political era – the House, the Judiciary (for the most part), the Media, and Academia are clearly anti-American and filled with hatred of everything related to Freedom, Liberty, and Equality (under the Law). Their antipathy has morphed into psycopathy as their lust for power has driven them past the limits of moderation.

    They don’t just deny the existence of God, they HATE the fact that they’re NOT God!
    And are willing to enslave, maim, and kill to prove their “omnipotence.”

    Rudy shouldn’t volunteer anything – report to the President and seek (vainly) for an honest investigative body.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Thirdtwin – …the rug is laying there, and Lindsey has a broom in his hands. Exactly.

    Lindsey Graham is part of a unique breed known mainly among politicians as the Venomous Chameleon. I will never trust that snake in the grass any more than I would trust any Demorat who decides he’s jumping parties for the next election. They are liars and thieves who make legal the right to mug our paychecks and freedoms at regular and increasing intervals.


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