Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried That Declassification Would Expose Potential Misbehavior – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried That Declassification Would Expose Potential Misbehavior

Epoch Times: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said in a recent interview that he believes officials from the Obama administration are opposing the declassification of documents relating to the origin of the Russia probe because they are afraid of being “exposed for taking the law in their own hands.”

During an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” with host Chris Wallace on May 26, Graham expressed his support for President Donald Trump’s decision to declassify the documents that related to the conduct of intelligence agencies like the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI in 2016.

“I’m insisting that we get to the bottom of this. I want all the documents around the FISA warrant application released. I want to find out exactly how the counterintelligence operation began. I think transparency is good for the American people,” Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told Wallace.

He added that he doesn’t think any Democrats care about whether the FBI and DOJ had misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court when obtaining warrants to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“I wish some Democrat would come forward to find out if the FISA court was defrauded by the FBI and the Department of Justice,” Graham said.

Trump’s announced that he authorized Attorney General William Barr to declassify information or intelligence related to surveillance activities surrounding the campaigns in the 2016 Presidential election on May 23. He also called for the heads of several agencies including the FBI, CIA, and State Department to fully cooperate with Barr in his probe into the origins of the Russia investigation.

This action has attracted opposition from former CIA director John Brennan and other members of the intelligence community. In an interview with MSNBC, Brennan criticized Trump’s decision, claiming that this would expose “sources and methods” of the intelligence community in the United States, as well as partners abroad.

“The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroadthose who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said.

Graham, without identifying names, said that the people are opposing because they are “worried about being exposed for taking the law in their own hands.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that the people we are looking at, they don’t want transparency,” the senator said. “We’re not compromising national security here. We’re trying to create a system to make sure this never happens again by shedding light on what happened with the FISA warrant process, the counterintelligence investigation. Did they have a lawful reason to surveil President Trump’s campaign? Did they lie to the FISA court?”

“Every American should want to find that out,” Graham added.  read more

19 Comments on Lindsey Graham: Obama Officials Worried That Declassification Would Expose Potential Misbehavior

  1. Graham’s word perfume isn’t strong enough to cover this stench. Lets find out who broke the law and punish them the same as the average guy would be or worst, because these folks should have known the law. Enough with the “lets give them special treatment” because krap.

  2. That the perps and their buddies are opposed to a release and investigation goes along with bears evacuating their bear bowels in the forest.
    They were so fumble fingered in trying to do the coverup that they make Nixon look like he should have gotten a medal for honesty after Watergate.

  3. @MJA – Where did that word “Potential” in the article headline come from?
    It isn’t in the Fox News transcript. And Barky’s gang potentially misbehaved the same way the sun potentially rose in the east this morning.

  4. “Potential Misbehavior?”

    “Misbehavior” is jumping on the bed – or pissing on the couch – or whispering in class.

    And they aren’t in the least bit concerned with potentialities. What they’re concerned with is the exposure of their various and myriad treasons and subsequent prosecutions – though they’re relatively assured of getting soft treatment through our “justice” system and the corruption already in place – from the legal beagles (or weasels) through the corrupt “judges” all augmented by the corrupt fifth column fourth estate.

    Mostly they’re afraid that America might wake up – it could go badly for them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Party discipline; Nancy has a strangle hold on the Democrat party only surpassed by Hitler & Stalin. Anyone with a function IQ knows Hillary should be in prison and Obama abused his powers to spy on the opposition- as in the political party that was in opposition to him. But the Democrats will look you in the eye and tell you Hillary should be POTUS and Obama, blessed be his name, was the greatest POTUS we have ever had.

    The only way for the brazen lies to end is to expose it all. Tare down their pagan idols and expose them.

  6. i think I see what is being suggested here- President Trump is being accused of a coverup, for wanting to uncover who did what. Yeah, that works. In Bizarro land.

    britain, italy, australia
    there- they’re outed. Nothing more to be ‘covered up.’
    It is not just the crooks in our own government’s intelligence agencies, but also those in other, foreign governments. This truly is international.

  7. “The concern is that very, very precious source and methods of the United States intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad—those who share this sensitive information with us,” Brennan said.

    What he’s actually worried about is that declassification will expose the fact that there was no “precious source and methods of the US intelligence community as well as our partners and allies abroad” that share sensitive information with us. Zip, zero, nada. They pulled it all out of their asses and it’s based on absolutely no precious source methods or shared sensitive information.

    That fucking commie pig is going to get his.

  8. I’ll send a case of their choice of scotch to the first high level member of the FBI,CIA, DOJ etc, that comes out and says,”Yeah I did do that shit, I knew it was illegal and I didn’t care. Because I knew nothing would happen to me.”

  9. Now who had the power to substitute the word “worried” for the more accurate ” are confident” in the headline ?
    “Obama officials are confident declassification would expose criminal behavior.”


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