Lindsey Graham seeks to boot special counsel Weiss from ‘botched’ Hunter Biden probe – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham seeks to boot special counsel Weiss from ‘botched’ Hunter Biden probe

JTN: South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham has called for the removal of special counsel David Weiss from the Hunter Biden case, asserting that someone who has not previously participated in the case–which has come under scrutiny for alleged political inference–must carry on the probe.

“An independent special counsel is needed in this case. It is abundantly clear Mr. Weiss needs to be removed from the investigation of Hunter Biden,” Graham posted on X. “To say this has been botched is an understatement. I have been calling for a new set of eyes on this case for quite a while. A huge cloud hangs over the Weiss investigative team and it will only go away when a new independent special counsel is appointed.”

Prior to his appointment as special counsel earlier this month, Weiss spearheaded the investigation of the now-first son for years in his capacity as U.S. Attorney for Delaware. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Weiss violated the DOJ’s own regulations requiring that a special counsel be from outside the government, experts warned at the time. more here

7 Comments on Lindsey Graham seeks to boot special counsel Weiss from ‘botched’ Hunter Biden probe

  1. “Weiss is the wrong choice to reassure the American people that the probe will now be independent and thorough,” they continued.

    How about start with focusing on doing a thorough and independent investigation instead of concentrating on giving the appearance that a thorough and independent investigation is being done. This Weiss cat needs to go.


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