Lindsey Graham will ask Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate FISA court misconduct – IOTW Report

Lindsey Graham will ask Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate FISA court misconduct

WaEx: Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he will ask Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate possible abuse of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court during the 2016 election.

Noting that President Trump is “down” on the FISA court, Graham, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters on Thursday he will make a call to ask, “‘Would you please look and see what happened?’ because I don’t want to lose the FISA program.”

As the chief justice, Roberts has the power to appoint judges to the FISA court.

Last February, the House Intelligence Committee, then led by Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., released a memo asserting the so-called Trump dossier, which contained unverified claims about Trump’s ties to Russia, was used by the FBI to help obtain a FISA warrant and three renewals to spy on one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. But key information, including its author’s anti-Trump bias and Democratic benefactors, was left out.  MORE

18 Comments on Lindsey Graham will ask Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate FISA court misconduct

  1. They have to say something to Roberts FIRST. That’s how it works. This is only a heads up.
    Roberts is going to get slammed if he says he wants no investigation. He won’t have a choice, because the FISA scandal is already out there.

    Even if Roberts stalls, Barr can investigate from the FBI’s angle, because it was the FBI who went to the FISA court with pure lies and bullshit. And keep in mind, it was a judge in that court who turned one of the warrants down because he or she smelled some stank.
    And that’s why Mike Rogers got suspicious and told Congress (Nunes).

    Roberts is fucked either way. He has a problem whether he was part of the scam or not.

  2. I guess Lin-zay does not know that Hussein already squeezed that set of balls and is therefore Roberts is OWNED like a Hussein bitch already.

  3. Judges are investigators now too?
    Well, I guess why not. Let’s give them executive branch powers. After all we’ve let them also be legislators for a long time. Roberts sure knew how to rewrite Obamanocare to keep it alive. When simple honest judgement on how it was actually written would have killed it years ago.

  4. Lindsey Graham… wants John Roberts… to “investigate” the FISA court… because he doesn’t want to lose the FISA program?

    When the “true life” “based on actual events” chill Netflix “documentary” comes out, should we expect a horror theme — Lindsey and a Ouija board, summoning the Jedi ghost of John McCain, when the spirit jumps into him? Or a Science™ fiction theme — where the blessed glioblastoma relic of Saint John of McCain, being worshiped by Lindsey, in an underground chapel, leaps into his mouth?

  5. @Ivan the Pissed Off May 2, 2019 at 2:06 pm


    I “hate” to be a grammar nazi. But, sometimes, you have to tell the spell check what foreign language the unrecognized word is in, if you want it to be accurate. That might be the most popular “Gu…l” non-English word (according to your spell check). But it’s Russian. The word you’re looking for is French.

  6. What the H. is going on in Washington. How long ago did the FISA abuse flag go up, and suddenly someone is just now thinking about having it looked into by someone with authority… No doubt about Washington efficiency being in the minus numbers.

  7. @Anon – agree about the Netflix thing, although I hope the approach is more like Lindsey is Jacob Marley being visited by John Mccain (deceased business partner, now a chained and tormented ghost), doomed to wander the earth forever as punishment for his greed and selfishness when he was alive.


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