Links Emerge Between Biden’s CIA Chief and Chinese Communist Party – IOTW Report

Links Emerge Between Biden’s CIA Chief and Chinese Communist Party

Neon Nettle:

Joe Biden’s nominee for the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a bombshell new report has revealed.

Biden’s pick for CIA chief, William Burns, was the president of the U.S.-based think tank Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP).

However, CEIP reportedly took millions of dollars from entities linked to China’s communist regime.

The links to the Chinese government were exposed in a report by The Daily Caller.

“As president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Burns also invited nearly a dozen congressional staffers to attend a junket to China, where they met with a communist party operative and a president of a Chinese front group,” The Daily Caller reported.

“Burns, who was paid $540,580 last year as president of Carnegie, will appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee for a confirmation hearing likely to be held this month.”


12 Comments on Links Emerge Between Biden’s CIA Chief and Chinese Communist Party

  1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… Nothing is going to happen to the Dems for this flagrant betrayal, N-O-T-H-I-N-G. But America will be sold further down the river because of it.

    (PS: Any racist, homophobic, ageist, sexist, misogynistic, treasons, traitorous comments means someone hijacked my name, check the IP address if this happens)

  2. Where are the Repube’s? Hello Mittens, Lizzy, you don’t have a problem with this? 🤔 No of course not, with a wink and a nod we’re too busy impeaching Orange Man Bad.

  3. For some reason I can’t fathom, Biden and his gang think we can get China to back down by diplomacy.

    For an enemy that wants us dead or in chains, diplomacy in the long term isn’t going to save us. Since Biden “won” the election, the CCP has increased its pressure on Taiwan. This pressure will continue and Taiwan will be only the first domino to fall.

    It will be very interesting to see how Biden’s chicken-ass crew will react to it. Interesting, if not very pretty to watch. They’ll leave Taiwan to China just like the British let Hitler have Czechoslovakia. There is no other way out for Biden and his loser gang riddled with perverts and atheists. I have zero confidence in them to protect and defend us.

    Biden’s policies will kill a lot of us and be the death of the US and freedom. It’s all lunacy on a grand scale.

  4. The in-process purge of conservatives in the Armed Forces is reminiscent, in a way, of Stalin’s purges of the Red Army in the 1930’s. That weakened the Red Army and led to the disastrous 1941 invasion from Germany that came within a hair’s breadth of defeating the USSR.

    Very stupid people are in charge of the federal gov’t now, supported by millions of the most anti-American people we’ve ever seen.

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