List Grows of Those Calling for Special Investigation into Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Corruption – IOTW Report

List Grows of Those Calling for Special Investigation into Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Corruption

Breitbart: As each day passes more embarrassing information emerges about the likely illegal pay-to-play tactics of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation, its donors, and its relationship to Hillary when she was Obama’s Secretary of State. Several days ago GOP nominee Donald Trump called for a special prosecutor to look into the allegations of corruption and now a growing list of high profile officials are joining Trump with his call.

On Monday Donald Trump called for an independent special prosecutor to look into the Clintons’ conduct while Hillary was at the Department of State, demanding that an investigation be made to find out if Hillary gave special favors to donors to the multibillion-dollar charity that carries her name.

Since Trump’s call for an investigation many more joined him in the effort.  MORE

6 Comments on List Grows of Those Calling for Special Investigation into Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Corruption

  1. Crooked beats Racist. Every time. But right now, she’s looking especially crooked, and Trump is not looking racist at all. Hence Hillary’s forthcoming “Der Alt Reich” attack speech. Front row, get your tarps ready.

  2. That speech is going to be the most massive display of Stray Voltage to date. It will suck all of the oxygen out of the scandalcluster for days, giving Hillary a nice long weekend in Florida registering Puerto Ricans to vote. I know we’d like to think she’s sick and napping all the time, but she’s playing vote-a-dope with us.

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