List of Demands For the St. Louis Police – IOTW Report

List of Demands For the St. Louis Police

The Daily Dot has great coverage of the day’s idiocy in Ferguson where violence is again erupting.

Protestors have stormed the police station. VIDEO HEREB6MxRZqIcAAXgre.jpg-large

20 Comments on List of Demands For the St. Louis Police

  1. So when the herd did their version of Black Friday Shopping what happened when they got home and found that the reparations they liberated wasn’t what they were looking for? Are they going to have another riot er I mean Peaceful Demonstration with intermittent use of bricks in order to return the wrong stolen stuff and replace it with the right stolen stuff (or reparations whatever the hell Sharpton calls it)? It’s kind of important that the black retailers that had all their goods liberated and their stores destroyed know this so they can stock their shelves accordingly.

  2. Unsurprisingly, even back in 1865 Missouri negroes were looking for a gov’t handout: “One former slave lamented how much better it would have been if only the government had provided newly liberated slaves with “a little track of land, a cow and a horse and give ’em a start.””
    (Jim Denny, Rural Missouri)

    Being freed from bondage just wasn’t enough.

    Gotta have some free shit, too!

    Maybe kick em in the chest to get em breathing?

  3. The “peaceful” protesters are expected to disrupt the New Year’s at the Space Needle in Seattle. The news stations were warning about it last night. The progressive way to ring in the new year is with bricks, batons and beatings I guess from now on.

    Friggin idiots.

  4. I’m wondering if Ferguson is experiencing blue flu like NYC where crime is up 66% and summons are down 90%.

    Meanwhile the city has suspended their police public relations spokesperson for describing a memorial to a thug in the middle of the street as trash.

  5. How about the taxpayers finally making some demands on the government they fund? Number 1: Quit wasting your time and our money on these worthless, hopelessly stupid vermin. If they don’t disperse when ordered to, throw ’em in jail, as many as you can pack into a cell. Handcuff the leftovers together and throw a tarp over them. Or use water cannons to break up their mobs. Or stun guns. Or pit bulls. Make an agreement with some unholy third-world toilet country to take them off our hands for something less than the price it would cost us to house and feed them.


    I’m having a bad feeling about 2015…

  6. The cops are handcuffed by political correctness. I would expect to be shot dead if I ever stormed a police station.

    Those violent assholes do have some pretty stupid demands. They must have found a prog professor who could translate ebonics into English.

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