List Of States Who Have Visited The Arizona Audit–More States Coming This Week – IOTW Report

List Of States Who Have Visited The Arizona Audit–More States Coming This Week

Palmieri Report-

Arizona State Rep Mark Finchem (R) tweeted out an updated list of states who have visited the Arizona audit. 

The States he cited are Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Colorado, Alaska, and Nevada.

Update from Arizona: The states that have visited so far are PA, VA, GA, AK, CO. More individuals from GA will be in tomorrow and other states later in the week. Until those states have visited we do not want to release their state names to prevent harassment.
— Mark Finchem for AZ Secretary of State (@RealMarkFinchem) June 8, 2021


12 Comments on List Of States Who Have Visited The Arizona Audit–More States Coming This Week

  1. Once the Arizona count is complete I wonder how long it will be before we get results. I saw one report that it will be several weeks. How in the hell can it take that long?

  2. My fear is they’ll identify tons of voter fraud, and either the SC won’t hear the case, or they will but rule that it is not enough to overturn the election. If that happens we all know the GOP will say, “oh well, what are you gonna do, guess we’ll just have to try harder next time.”

  3. We just had an election for school board. Usually these are low turnout and the left gets what they want and any conservative walks away, head down, the looser. NOT TODAY. I saw 20 to 30 people standing on corners waving their signs, They had vehicles cruising the town. One had a massive pickup with 4 old glories flying towing a 24 foot flatbed trailer with candidates signs and 6 old glories flying from that. I made my hear sing. Here are the results of the election.

    EVERY SINGLE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE WON IN A SWEEEEEEP. THE LOSERS WERE ALL CRT, LGBT PROMOTERS. They were shitstomped to the curb in massive losses. The district female superintendent that the liberal board hired will be looking for a home in your state since she wont have one here.

    I said that to point out the obvious. Conservatives and patriots are motivate to kick ass and this Maricopa Event will turn over all the stolen elections. This movement will not be denied

  4. Yawn, Betty, I fear it’s probably a lost cause too, but not for the same reason you do. YOU are wrong, but you can be smug in knowing that the state run democrat socialist propaganda machine (i.e., the so-called “media”) will cover it up. But I too am willing to pay to give it a try. The only loser in this thread is you.

  5. Joe6pac – I read that the results will be sent to the AZ Senate by the 18th. It’s a republican controlled senate so I would expect to hear the results the following week.

  6. So Betty is another moron that doesn’t care about integrity of the vote, as long as the clueless, ineffectual, half-witted democrat wins?
    Questions are valid and need a real answer-everyone should approve of that.
    There’s only one reason to hide things – you got something to hide.
    You’re in the wrong aisle, dingbat.

  7. Betty; “Yawn, one cares about this because it’s a lost cause, but they don’t care about how much this cost the tax payers. All to prove a loser lost.”

    Its privately funded a$$ wipe.


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