List of Top 10 ‘Rattiest Cities,’ All Run by Democrats – IOTW Report

List of Top 10 ‘Rattiest Cities,’ All Run by Democrats


National pest control company Orkin rated Baltimore as one of the Top Ten “Rattiest Cities” in the country in 2018.

All of Orkin’s Top Ten “Rattiest Cities,” which includes Baltimore as the ninth on the list, are currently run by Democrat mayors and have been dominated by Democrats for decades:

  1. Chicago
  2. Los Angeles
  3. New York
  4. Washington, D.C.
  5. San Francisco
  6. Detroit
  7. Philadelphia
  8. Cleveland
  9. Baltimore
  10. Denver

The last time Chicago elected a Republican mayor was in 1927.  San Francisco last elected a Republican mayor in 1959. Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1958. Philadelphia last elected a Republican mayor in 1952. Cleveland last elected a Republican mayor in 1985. Denver last elected a Republican mayor in 1959.

Baltimore last elected a Republican mayor in 1963. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s father, Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. ,  served as Baltimore’s Democrat mayor from 1947 to 1959. Her brother, Thomas  D’Alesandro III, served as mayor from 1967 to 1971.

Washington, D.C. has never had an elected Republican mayor.


10 Comments on List of Top 10 ‘Rattiest Cities,’ All Run by Democrats

  1. Like many liberals, most blacks who bought into the democrat plantation probably don’t want to feel so stupid as to admit how stupid they’ve been in signing on to democrat slavery.

  2. You know why this happens? It’s because the federal and state governments have grants available to fight vermin, and the stupid, worthless asshole democrats steal every fucking dime of it to spend on luxury items and vacations.

    They are a fucking cancer on our society, and half of them deserve to be strung up and put out of all our miseries.

  3. the poor rats are taking all the heat for the demoncrat failures.

    If there were no giant piles of garbage there would be no rats but since demoncrats care only about themselves the garbage and the rats get to stay forever more because the hellholes listed above are beyond redemption and should be razed to the ground in biblical fashion.

  4. Hmm.
    Ratty cities run by DemonRats.

    Why does that NOT surprise me?
    Why is the obvious so obscure to so many?
    How is this bullshit narrative (nihilistic totalitarian socialism) so powerful to subject so many to so much suffering for so long and still get traction?
    One of the mysteries of the Universe.

    It wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

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