Lithium prices skyrocket, posing headache for electric vehicle manufacturers – IOTW Report

Lithium prices skyrocket, posing headache for electric vehicle manufacturers

Just The News

Lithium prices are skyrocketing worldwide, driving up the cost of electric vehicle manufacturing at a moment when car developers are re-orienting huge portions of their output to developing EVs.

Lithium “hit a fresh record of 500,500 yuan ($71,315) a ton in China Friday, according to data from Asian Metal Inc,” Bloomberg reported this week.

That represents roughly a tripling of lithium prices in that country over the past year. Disruptions to the electric grid in Sichuan—where one-fifth of China’s lithium processing takes place—have contributed to the soaring prices.  more

16 Comments on Lithium prices skyrocket, posing headache for electric vehicle manufacturers

  1. No fear, start investing in really long extension cords.
    Although I am thinking of putting my generator in the back of my gas powered truck and running a recharge business.

  2. Who’d a thunk that if you’re going to increase demand for lithium by about 1000% the price of lithium would slso skyrockey

    Any body with an IQ higher than a monitor lizard’s who was paying attention in High School Econ class, thats who

  3. Obviously the government needs to subsidize lithium production. It should work just as well as subsidizing colleges and universities.

    This shit is easy when you judge yourselves on intentions rather than results.

  4. This news should, but won’t, be a wake-up call to every fool that believes EV’s can replace the internal combustion engine with our present technology.
    The battery has been the major drawback with EV’s from the get-go.

  5. Gradually ban the sale of ICE vehicles, push the price electric cars and trucks out of the range of most consumers, and then make the generation of electricity so unreliable and expensive that no one could charge them anyway. Presto, you have a non-mobile population, just as the WEF overlords desire. BTW, those Ring doorbells, home personal assistants (Alexa, etc.), and Siri on your phone are forwarding all your data and communications to the NSA, so your soon-to-be-instituted social credit score can be adjusted accordingly.



    Music: Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson
    Lyrics: Neil Peart

    “My uncle has a country place, that no-one knows about
    He says it used to be a farm, before the Motor Law
    Sundays I elude the ‘Eyes’, and hop the Turbine Freight
    To far outside the Wire, where my white-haired uncle waits

    Jump to the ground
    As the Turbo slows to cross the borderline
    Run like the wind
    As excitement shivers up and down my spine
    Down in his barn
    My uncle preserved for me an old machine –
    For fifty-odd years
    To keep it as new has been his dearest dream

    I strip away the old debris, that hides a shining car
    A brilliant red Barchetta, from a better, vanished time
    Fire up the willing engine, responding with a roar!
    Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime…

    Wind in my hair –
    Shifting and drifting –
    Mechanical music
    Adrenalin surge –

    Well-weathered leather
    Hot metal and oil
    The scented country air
    Sunlight on chrome
    The blur of the landscape
    Every nerve aware

    Suddenly ahead of me, across the mountainside
    A gleaming alloy air-car shoots towards me, two lanes wide
    I spin around with shrieking tires, to run the deadly race
    Go screaming through the valley as another joins the chase

    Drive like the wind
    Straining the limits of machine and man
    Laughing out loud
    With fear and hope, I’ve got a desperate plan
    At the one-lane bridge
    I leave the giants stranded
    At the riverside
    Race back to the farm
    To dream with my uncle
    At the fireside…”


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