Little Saint Nick – IOTW Report

Little Saint Nick


The Beach Boys – Little Saint Nick.

7 Comments on Little Saint Nick

  1. love the Beach Boys … every one of their songs is basically the same medley …. slow down ‘Little Deuce Coupe’ just a bit & you got ‘Little Saint Nick’ …. slow it down further & you got ‘Surfer Girl’
    … ‘In My Room …. Surfer Girl’ (used to use that one on an old girlfriend of my who was a freak for the Beach Boys …. maybe that’s why she dumped me … nahhhh)

    … but those ‘effer’s could sure damn harmonize …. key to many good groups

    my Christmas rock choices run from Brian Setzer to Elvis Presley … it’s all good

  2. Always loved the Beach Boys. Brian Wilson, wow, what a talent.
    When they were the original Beach Boys, no better show.
    The only down side to the Beach Boys was being grateful and inclusive to their untalented cousin Mike Love. Remains truly worthless and ungrateful to this day, piece of trash.
    To be sued by a no-talent like Mike Love so he can continue to tour, just harsh.

  3. A truly iconic American band. Brian Wilson was the 20th century Beethoven. He created lots of fluff entertainment, but as time move on. he truly created music with much depth. There has never been another group with the vocal harmony he created.


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