Live Coverage of Rallies for Trump in Washington – IOTW Report

Live Coverage of Rallies for Trump in Washington

The events will start at 9:30 a.m. ET. Events include ‘Let the Church Roar,’ ‘March for Trump,’ ‘Million MAGA March,’ and ‘One Nation Under God’.

Links here

March for Trump/Million MAGA March Rally in Washington, DC 

President Trump Multiple FLYOVERS in Marine One in DC for March for Trump/Jericho March

Real America’s Voice

If you have other links, please post them with your comments.

18 Comments on Live Coverage of Rallies for Trump in Washington

  1. YouTube isn’t streaming it yet, bastard’s, probably doing it on purpose.
    Just a side note, did anybody else notice that as you were entering the letters NTD it showed Commie Chicom TV channels. 🤬

  2. We should remind the High Court…
    If the government no longer protects the rights of the citizens,
    The people have the right to abolish that government and start again,
    The declaration of Independence giyes us the right to flush these fools out of DC.
    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”

  3. @Extirpates. That’s where I have landed. I no longer care if it’s Trump or Biden. There is no difference between the political parties, they serve themselves not the will of the people. There is no representation for taxation. I’m tired of being a tax slave to someone else’s career. The federal government has undermined and attacked the peoples right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness every junction. It is our right and our duty to stand against them.



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