Live Earth Concert For Global Warming Participant Shows Off His Custom Built Carbon Monster – IOTW Report

Live Earth Concert For Global Warming Participant Shows Off His Custom Built Carbon Monster

John Mayer, who has been involved with various projects that have “raised the awareness of the crisis of Global Warming,” obviously is a fullofsh!tnik.

Look at his custom RV – Underneath is a F-550 sports four-wheel drive and a 6.7-liter Power Stroke diesel V8, producing 300 horsepower and 660 lb-ft of torque. It runs on oil, gas and progtard tears.

‘Who knows where I’ll end up!’ John Mayer shows off his $500k custom off-road RV (with spice rack and espresso maker to take the edge off even the toughest adventure)


DM– Just days after Christmas, the 37-year-old singer-songwriter uploaded a picture of his new, luxurious off-road vehicle to Instagram. In the image he is posing alongside his EarthRoamer XV-LTS. With it he posted the message: ‘I am a proud owner of this most formidable go-anywhere, live-anywhere vehicle. One year and many meetings in the making, she’s all mine. Completely hand built in Colorado by extremely talented and innovative men and women. Who knows where I’ll end up next.’ The company who manufactures the vehicles, that are custom-built to the owner’s requests,  insists they are not RVs and are instead XVs or ‘Xpedition Vehicles.’ Inside are a number of amenities that would make any adventurer feel at home, no matter what terrain they are taking on. There are various storage cabinets, a bathroom, shower, kitchenette, and seating for up to eight people including the driver.


20 Comments on Live Earth Concert For Global Warming Participant Shows Off His Custom Built Carbon Monster

  1. Mr. Mayer, we don’t care about your stuff. We don’t care about your philosophy. When you tell us how to live our lives and influence our kids and they give their allowance money to you, then we are incensced! Get out of my sight and take your fancy-pants vehicle with you!

  2. Typical progtard… One set of impossible rules for you… and no rules for them. Mayer is not the first tree hugging envirotard sack of shit I’ve seen who drives a gas hog. I’ve met plenty who drive Suburbans because “anything smaller is not big enough from my two kids” (two kids who are under five).

  3. I got a ’90 Vanagon Westfalia. Got everything that piece of trash has. Spice rack too! John Mayer? I don’t quite get it. I have two of his albums, and seen him in Crossroads concert videos, but his politics suck. Typical.

  4. Everything in those runs on diesel, and you can get them built with seals that will keep you safe from nuclear contamination or poison gas.

    The first one of those I saw was up in the Bighorn mountains in Wyoming. Two women were traveling in it up near Medicine Wheel. I was impressed and snapped a few pictures of it while I was driving through the snow.

    I was thinking that I did a bullpen story on those early on, but I can’t find it. Very nice camper, though. You can park out in the wilderness for a couple of weeks, no problems, in that thing.

    P.S. I knew there was something about that guy that i didn’t like. I think I inherited my mom’s discernment, or Bullshit detector, as it is called here.

  5. On second thought, after I win the Powerball lottery, I will purchase a Stryker AFV and drive it though the streets of Belmont, Arlington, Lincoln and Cambridge Massachusetts!

  6. ODA315, that’s kind of the impression I had. They looked like a couple of the owners of Google I have seen in articles. They seemed a bit out of place up there with ten feet of snow along the roadsides in some places, and they were going off the main highway, probably trying to get to the big medicine wheel.

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