ted cruz

From the Bullpen:

I saw Ted Cruz for the second time this campaign season in council bluffs. His first 100 days will be awesome! – Magnum.


  1. Ted Cruz has my vote. But, I can’t help but think he is alienating a lot of potential (granted, they are likely lofo’s or single issue voters) supporters and voters by putting the investigation of planned parenthood as his #2 priority. We have open borders, poor economy, falling wages, Islam, BLM, corrupt government at every level, etc. etc. planned parenthood is not the 2nd highest priority, it might be a Day 2 priority.

  2. He has my vote, too. He’s exactly the man for the job. I wish he would buy an hour of primetime and sum up his positions thusly; This country as founded was built on a federalist system, with a Constitution that recognizes the states and people as preeminent.
    Outline how far things have strayed from this foundation, then simply state his plan to return to this superior model of governance.

    To do this would throw the race and MSM into a fit, forcing them to reveal just who they are so plainly that the most ignorant fool would have to see it. At worst, they’d have to explain why they don’t favor the Constitutional model, and at best, he might just win and begin the long process to set things right.

  3. He has spent his life (even in high school debate) defending the US Constitution, Conservatism and American values. He has made enemies of the Ruling Class (a plus in my book) and as a Senator from Texas, he has become hated by Mr. Turtle for doing the job he promised the citizens of Texas that he would do.

    I know he is not perfect. None of them are.

    He is my choice. If any of the Rinos become the candidate, I will write in Ted Cruz.

  4. I think there has been a deliberate effort to not cover Ted Cruz in order to make him an unknown in the eyes of the public. I think that is why jebbie attacked him. Cruz is the idealogical opposite of the political elite. Have you noticed how the lunatic left doesn’t even attack him? Our political overlords must really be scared of him!

  5. Exactly! I do like his book, but I don’t see him winning the nomination. He would make a great VP. VP would give him exposure and if Trump wins the election, he may not want to serve two terms.

  6. It has been repeated frequently that “There’s a lot of time between now (No matter how quickly June has become nearly November) and the election!” This is said to suggest that whomever is ahead in the polls now could suddenly bow out of the race or their lead can evaporate overnight. And that can and may still happen. But, Cruz (and I really like him, too) has never polled in the double digits and at this rate is highly unlikely to do so.

    How soon are the elections? Let’s see. In about three days we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving and a day and half later, Christmas. And about two weeks later is the first (closed caucus) in Iowa, Feb 1. Then the RNC will have it’s convention July 18. And it’s over. Cruz has about a month to close the conservative base on its vote. I’m not confident enough about his campaign to say stranger things have happened. And I’m certainly not trusting enough of the RNC to say that when (if?) bush and rubio get out, any of that campaign war chest will shift to Cruz. They’ll probably figure a way to funnel it to the DNC,

  7. Hi Magnum,

    I was too lazy to look at all the polls. I just remember seeing him among the sometimes-mid tier at single digits — for a long time. I like Cruz. In fact I came up with an “I chuz Cruz” slogan. I thought it was memorable. I do hope he does better.

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