LIVE STREAM: 2017 March For Life – IOTW Report

LIVE STREAM: 2017 March For Life

Watch at CNS News


Among today’s speakers are: Vice President Mike Pence, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Benjamin Watson, an outspoken Christian athlete who plays for the Baltimore Ravens, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who resigned to became an anti-abortion activist and Eric Metaxas, an author and talk show host.

4 Comments on LIVE STREAM: 2017 March For Life

  1. In 1973, as an 11 year old, my Mother started making my brother and me stuff envelopes in support of CA Right to Life. I hated it. She still marches, and talks to groups and fights schools 40+ years later. I love you Mom, you were right long before your time and you remain right today. Abortion is murder.

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