LIVE TONIGHT TUESDAY 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT TUESDAY 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

LIVE TONIGHT TUESDAY 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

Tonight we’re covering

* Mad MAX
* Trump Approval Surges
* #WalkAway Campaign
* Kim Jung Un CANCELS Annual Anti-U.S. Rally
* Primary Tuesday


CALL in # (323) 870-3371 – Press 1 to talk to us.

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16 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT TUESDAY 8:00pm – 10:00pm EST with @MikeNordstrom3 & @Mr_Pinko – CALL in # (323) 870-3371

  1. And speaking of popularity — Gateway had a headline that Duluth’s rally was composed of 60% Democrats and Independents.

    (I have mixed feelings about this. He’s *MY* president! I’m feeling stingy

  2. Mr. P sez “I’m very good friends with….”

    LOL~ Makes me think of that joke, the punchline of which is “Who is that guy with his arm around Harry?”

  3. A friend of mine named Larry once told me, around the time of Bill Clinton’s 2nd inauguration, “You know, President Clinton and I are buddies.”
    I said, “Sure you are.”
    He said, “No, really! Just turn on your TV tonight to the Inaugural Ball. You’ll see me.”
    Sure enough, I turned on the TV that night, and there was Larry, talking to President Clinton with his arm around the guy.

    Not long after, I was talking to Larry about how much I admired Johnny Depp as an actor. Larry said, “Oh, he’s a good friend.”
    I said, “Noooo!”
    Larry said, “Let’s hop in my car”. He drove me to the bar Johnny Depp owns, and as we sipped drinks, Johnny happened to walk by, immediately exclaimed “Larry!” and fell into Larry’s arms.

    This was getting spooky. Larry seemed to know everyone! I tested Larry with a few more people. We were back in the Bay Area. Larry was telling me he was buddy-buddy with Jerry Brown. We went to a Press Conference at Oakland City Hall, and just before Brown started answering questions, he said “I see my friend Larry out there.”

    Same kind of thing happened when we went to Bob Dylan’s house and rang the bell. Bob answered the door, said “Larry!” gave my friend a big hug, and invited us in for drinks.

    I was becoming a believer, but then one day we were having another conversation and Larry said something about “my friend the Pope.”
    I said, “You can’t know him, too!”
    Larry said, “Wanna bet?”
    Larry happens to be very well off, so he flew the both of us to Rome. We took a cab to St. Peters Square. We were standing in the big crowd below the balcony of the Pope’s apartment. Larry said, “Excuse me for a little while” and disappeared into the crowd.
    A little while after that, John Paul appeared on the balcony and started blessing people. And who should be up there beside him but…you guessed it!
    I was utterly amazed! I nudged a fellow standing next to me, pointed to the balcony, and said, “Look!”
    The guy shaded his eyes with his palm, peered up at the balcony, turned back to me, and said, “Who’s that guy up there with Larry?”

  4. Mr. Pinko, with your “impeach 45” Maxine impression, you are doing it wrong. Just pinch your tongue between your fingers and shout some batshit craziness.

  5. Also Pinko, your gaydar is on target (but there is nothing wrong with that): “Straka, a gay man from Nebraska, says that he is one of the liberals who melted down in November of 2016 after Trump was elected. ‘It’s funny now, but at the time it was completely tragic,’ he told conservative podcaster David J. Harris in a recent interview. ‘I was like a heartbeat away from being that ‘Leave Britney alone!’ guy … crying hysterically,’ he said. Straka told Harris that a string of emotional videos he made after the election are still up on his Facebook page. He said the reason he was so devastated was because he believed all of the media lies about Trump being a ‘racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, sexual predator.'”



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