Liz Cheney Is Reportedly Looking for the Exit and It Cannot Come Soon Enough – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney Is Reportedly Looking for the Exit and It Cannot Come Soon Enough


She has become a distraction extraordinaire. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) simply cannot get out of her own way and the hour is getting quite late for this sort of hysterics. It’s not hard, lady. Just keep your mouth shut. And if you can’t, you must go. It’s the same protocol for government workers. If you can work with a new administration, fine. If you want to act like Dumbledore’s Army and all deep state in trying to hamstring a new government, not only should you leave—you might be engaging in acts of treason. The intelligence community had scores of folks like this leaking and peddling lies about Russian collusion that never happened. I’m not saying Cheney is a traitor. No. But her inability to read the room is one of the main reasons why she has to go. 

She’s one of the faces of the Republican Party. The base is Trump. The base wants Trump to be a major player in shaping its future. Cheney says she doesn’t want that. That’s fine—but who the hell are you. Cheney has burned so many bridges that she seems resigned to her fate. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is putting out feelers—and Politico added that the gentlelady from Wyoming isn’t working hard at all to keep her position. She’s not on the phone with other members of the caucus in stacking sandbags. She’s reportedly looking for the exit. On the other hand, she also could be taking a ‘let it all burn’ approach and leave like Joan of Arc. more here

13 Comments on Liz Cheney Is Reportedly Looking for the Exit and It Cannot Come Soon Enough

  1. IMPORTANT!!!:
    Ladies and Gentlemen… It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you… Military Industrial Complex Salesperson of the YEAR……………. wait for it…………….. LIZ “KILL EM’ ALL” CHENEY!
    That is all. Carry on.
    Hugs and Kisses,
    The Claw

  2. It’s sad. I used to hold her in high regard. I thought she was smart, articulate and tough.

    Then she drifted into the dark side.

    She now wears a darth Vader helmet.

    Fuck off Liz.

  3. So will she go to CNN, kr MSNBC? I heard CNN got rid of their token Republican for being too Republican. May be on opening there for her.

    And what board of directors has a seat waiting for her when she declines to run in 2022?

    So many questions…well, really just those two. And who gives a damn about her anyway?

  4. @ PHenry MAY 6, 2021 AT 5:49 PM

    I can’t think of a single one of the Bush cabal I have any use for. At one time I thought some of them were pretty good, but in retrospect they were only good in comparison to the alternative.


    Her neocommie (Ronny’s term; liberals say “Neocon”!) dad voted against Ronny’s tax reform in ’86. Look it up! The Bush/Soros junta have hated Ronny since “Voo Doo Economics”! That was 1980 for you young guns!

    The leadership of the GOP has generally been immoral, liberal liars for 110 years. Read Bsrry’s – hard to read, but informative – book CONSCIENCE! Leftist “NY Republicans” Barry’s term,* Ted did not invent it, have had control of the party for most of the last 100 years, and total control from 19809 to 20015.

    Barry referred top the Lincoln hater who wanted to destroy the GOP and founded THE POPGRESSIVE PARTY to so do.

  6. These deep state idiots are either completely oblivious or totally indifferent to the wishes of the electorate. In either case they are no more than an unwanted corrosive element to any hope of getting the tatters of this country back to anything close to recognizable.
    Burn in hell Liz!


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