Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem: Husband’s firm reps China companies, dictatorial regimes – IOTW Report

Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem: Husband’s firm reps China companies, dictatorial regimes

Just The News: Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) called on the U.S. to stand up to the “generational threat” posed by China while unveiling a major report on Beijing’s “malign behavior” at the same time her husband’s law firm was working on behalf of companies linked to China’s military, intelligence, and security services.

As Cheney stood at the podium, her husband Philip Perry’s law firm was cashing in on legal and lobbying work that his employer — Latham & Watkins (LW), one of the largest law firms in the world — was doing for a host of Chinese companies, some of which were involved in the kind of activity that Cheney was warning had to be stopped.

All of LW’s work discussed in this article was legal, and Perry didn’t work directly on these accounts. But as a partner at the firm, he benefits and profits from all its work.

Perry’s firm’s work for Chinese entities and countries whose human rights abuses and authoritarian rule have troubled the U.S. for years seems to conflict with his wife’s frequent calls for America to stand up to autocratic regimes like China. The dynamic is one familiar to longtime observers of Washington, D.C.: a power couple calling out the very behavior from which they benefit. more

Cheney’s husband should ‘have some integrity’ instead of working for China-tied firm.

The Trump-backed primary challenger to Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney is criticizing the congresswoman for her husband profiting off the work his law firm does for China and other dictatorial countries, while his wife publicly calls for holding the Chinese government responsible for its many financial and human rights abuses. more

12 Comments on Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem: Husband’s firm reps China companies, dictatorial regimes

  1. Although I don’t find the link in this story particularly compelling, If her opponent can make some hay out of it, so be it.

    Yesterday I read about Herschel Walker (GOP Senate candidate in Georgia) having some difficulties with this story;

    Not of fan of stuff you did 20 years ago being used against you but it’s fair game, let the voters make the call on its probative value.

  2. You know why the Chinese and the Japanese think they’re better and smarter than Americans? Because they are. Just look at the sell-out assholes we have at all levels giving away the farm to China. The Japanese worship Buddha. The Chinese worship the Book of Mao. American leaders worship fucking Mammon.

    Seriously, if a member of the Chinese Politburo got caught sleeping with a US spy, he’d get a bullet in his head. We have a member of Congress who was caught sleeping with a Chinese spy, and he still has his job and access to classified information. You know why? Because China ordered Pelosi to keep him there. This is why our government is chock full of fucking morons, perverts, and psychopaths. Because China wants it that way and they pull all the strings now.

  3. I “took out my wallet and paid attention” 40 years ago. The Bush/Cheney Clans have been tied to Chm Mao and his followers since GHWB ran CIA!

    i am disappointed that so many “conservatives” are just now getting the word! What have these “conservatives” been doing the last 46 years!?@?!#$%a^&!?! Ladies I cleaned up my French; use your imaginations. Think very md at low info “conservatives”!

  4. “…her husband profiting off the work his law firm does for China and other dictatorial countries, while his wife publicly calls for holding the Chinese government responsible for its many financial and human rights abuses”

    It’s called the “Potomac Two Step”, otherwise known as talking out both sides of your mouth.

    And ole’ Liz is an expert at it!

  5. It’s just not her. All these bastards that have been there for over 4 years need to go. Both sides. They can’t do their jobs, looking out for our best interests, when they are constantly preoccupied with gathering personal wealth. FUCEM.

  6. I’ll never understand how getting a cushy lifestyle negates loving your country and wanting to do the best for it so it’s everyone can pursue happiness. Selling us out is the coin of the realm. They’ve gutted our industrial base, polluted the minds of generations, stolen the ballot box and compromised our military(seen this?

    Fucking your fellow Americans by trading/working with enemies that have pledged to destroy and have proven it a 1,000 times with their actions doesn’t require comprehension because why fucking bother? But the facts of this treason are plain enough.

    Lord I hope the fucking dam breaks soon because what can’t go on, won’t and I want it to happen before I’m in a GD rocking chair.

  7. All of LW’s work discussed in this article was legal, and Perry didn’t work directly on these accounts.

    Because their children.. their civil partners.. the people they’ve splashed genetic material on.. are NOT them. It’s The Rule of Law(TM). You worship The Rule of Law(TM), don’t you citizen? LOYAL citizen? Sniff The Rule of Law(TM)’s finger. Now lick it. Oh, that’s cute. You thought that was a request. Lick it!

  8. “I’ll never understand how getting a cushy lifestyle negates loving your country and wanting to do the best for it so it’s everyone can pursue happiness.”

    You need to delve into some history. It’s the same old story for about 3000 years.
    Read the Old Testament.
    Look at the dissolution of the Roman Empire, Byzantium, England, France, Germany, Athens, Sparta, Spain, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Israel … yada, yada, yada …

    Same old story, different actors. Decent government only lasts a generation or two.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @MMinWA February 11, 2022 at 2:00 pm

    > I’ll never understand how getting a cushy lifestyle negates loving your country and wanting to do the best for it so it’s everyone can pursue happiness. Selling us out is the coin of the realm.

    @Tim – FJB February 11, 2022 at 6:13 pm

    > It’s the same old story for about 3000 years.
    > Read the Old Testament.

    It is what “we” now call capitalism.

  10. Same goes for the dowdy Harris woman’s husband Doug Emhoff whose deep associations includes the ChiComs-CCP. The party of sinister democrats nominated her for vp since it’s the only thing she brought to their table—a ChiCom operative husband.


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