Liz McCainey – IOTW Report

Liz McCainey

Patriot Retort:

Ah, the siren song of cable news adoration. It is hard to resist, n’est-ce pas? Mitt Romney can’t resist it. Nor did the late John McCain. And neither, apparently, can Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz Cheney. Or, Liz McCainey as the case may be.

When Liz McCainey “bravely” “defied” her fellow Republicans and announced that she would be voting to impeach President Trump for the crime of … (well, they never held any hearings or presented any evidence, so I’m not sure what the “crime” was, but never mind), the media gushed and squealed with delight. more

15 Comments on Liz McCainey

  1. That is a great photoshop.
    Bushies sure are like a bunch of teenage girls. You can’t like that person cuz we don’t.
    WY GOP said their phones are ringing off the hook with angry voters. Lol.

  2. “brave” is way overused these days, applied to scoundrels and traitors and chicken shit entertainers of all kinds.

    like: “The Dixie Chicks bravely went against their Southern Heritage and removed a word with deep connections to African American slavery – Dixie. From now on, they’ll be known as just the Chicks, and write songs based on the modern slavery of LGBTQ people. Lets hear it for those brave Chicks.”

    I don’t know if it was really worded that way in the media, but it sounds about right.

  3. Our nation is run by a small clique of corrupt bastards. Trump was spoiling it.
    Our military leaders are in on the scam, like mafia thugs.

    Then there’s Pelosi, a maggot of unimaginable proportions:

    Let’s retake the narrative:

    Pelosi’s entire family has generational corruption, tied to 4 families that have run CA for 80+ years like Game of Thrones:


  4. I hope Lezzy gets a good ration of shit 🤬 from her constituents for the rest of her life, like Mad James Brown Maxine always says you gotta get in their faces. 😁

  5. How about we just let BLM and Pelosi and Liz’ neighbors down the road living on the street know about all that expensive ice cream and $24,000 fridge, and let them take it from there. Maybe TDS started in that fridge?


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