She slipped up and her polling is way down – IOTW Report

She slipped up and her polling is way down

WaEx: Sen. Elizabeth Warren is free, free falling.

The 2020 Democratic primary candidate’s poll numbers have collapsed in recent weeks, inciting panicky headlines like, “What happened to Elizabeth Warren?” from newsrooms that have all but formally endorsed her campaign.

A new Quinnipiac survey of Democrats and “Democratic-leaners” released this week shows Warren in third place with 14% of support. She registers just behind South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (16%), and front-runner Joe Biden (24%).

Though third place seems like a good spot for any candidate, the latest Quinnipiac survey, which was conducted between Nov. 21 and 25 and surveyed 1,355 self-identified registered voters nationwide, should have Warren worried. It shows a substantial and sudden decline in support compared to the polling group’s previous surveys of self-identified Democrat and Democratic-leaning voters.

An Oct. 14 Quinnipiac poll reported, for example, that Warren had an impressive 30% of support. A separate Oct. 24 Quinnipiac poll showed the Massachusetts senator taking in a slightly smaller 28%. The group reports now that the senator comes in with just 14% of the vote, a decline of more than 16 points since mid-October.

That is not all. Support for Warren’s White House bid has fallen off in surveys conducted by competing polling groups. more

14 Comments on She slipped up and her polling is way down

  1. :“Her support base was exactly the kind of voters who would read about and be spooked by the NYT polls,” said New York Magazine’s Josh Barro.

    Why don’t the dems just let the NYT choose their candidate then? It would be a lot easier, and the dem voters won’t care.

  2. Joe at 24% ?

    Can you imagine having a President who doesn’t even know where he is half the time? Joe will do as he’s told, just like obama did…that’s why he’s ‘polling’ in first.

    It’s 2016 all over again. The commie party already has their choice made and they’ll ‘do whatever it takes’ to get ’em nominated.

  3. @willysgoatgruff pretty much covered it.

    But he left out the part where Elizabeth Warren’s shrill nagging turns mens’ penises into wee wees. The shrinkage is measurable.

    For instance, my wife was jumping rope with my johnson earlier, but Fox News was running in the background. As soon as one soundbite of Warren was played it was like releasing the brake on a 25 foot tape measure. Zwooot snap gone.

    I might be exaggerating a bit. But you get my drift.
    Old girls don’t jump rope. Not like I couldn’t accommodate them.


    OK. I’m totally making this up. Other than the Warren ZwoootSnapGone part.

    Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?

  4. The media keep picking a loser. First Kamala, whom Tulsi destroyed in the second debate (not to mention tons of baggage). Then they moved to Pocahantas, who came up with some really, really socialist ideas. There are only 19% of Dems who vote socialist, and they are already voting for Bernie. Sleepy, Creepy Joe just sails along in the lead. Only shot is if Ukraine scandal comes to fruition early enough in the primaries, in which case… Buttegieg?
    Like it matters.

  5. this is off topic but please humor with me for moment.

    Have you ever noticed that sometime when you look at someone’s face that they almost look like an animal that you can recognize? Well, that picture in the headline of Liz Warren makes her face look just like a Snapping Turtle to me.

    Take a second look.


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