Liz Warren doubles down on lie about Michael Brown – IOTW Report

Liz Warren doubles down on lie about Michael Brown

Warren got ‘Four Pinocchios’ for saying Michael Brown was ‘murdered’ by white policeman

WFB: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) doubled down on her tweet that claimed black teenager Michael Brown was “murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri,” saying Wednesday what mattered was an “unarmed man” was shot in the street.

Campaigning in New Hampshire, Warren was asked about her inflammatory tweet, which received the harshest “Four-Pinocchio” rating from the Washington Post.

“What matters is that a man was shot, an unarmed man, in the middle of the street, by police officers and left to die,” Warren said. “And I think that’s where our focus should be.”

Warren and fellow presidential candidates Sen. Kamala Harris(D., Calif.) and Tom Steyer all used the term “murder” to describe Brown’s death in 2014 at the hands of Officer Darren Wilson. The incident set off a debate about police violence and racial injustice. Although the notion that Brown was killed with his hands up and begging Wilson not to shoot was apocryphal, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” became a mantra for protesters.

However, Wilson was not indicted by the grand jury following an investigation. The Obama administration Justice Department released an 86-page investigative report concluding there was no credible evidence to discount Wilson’s story that he acted in self-defense. read more

13 Comments on Liz Warren doubles down on lie about Michael Brown

  1. Chief Little Big Lies speaking fake truth to her tribe of woke, ultra white NE liberals may be setting themselves up for a defamation suit.

    Repeating it after being schooled about no grand jury indictment and exoneration from Obama’s DOJ and then qualifying the standard of murder to be whatever she needs it to be should count as reckless disregard and malicious intent.

    Time to take out 2nd mortgage on teepee.

  2. It’s pretty clear what Warren is attempting.
    Chaos and anarchy play into the hands of wanna-be totalitarians – we’ve seen it throughout History – from the rise of Pisistratus to Lenin’s coup against the Czar to the death of the Wiemar Republic and the ascendancy of National Socialism.
    Warren, Harris, O’Cortez, O’Rourke, and the rest of the clowns scrambling for traction in the war against America have to incite hatred, mistrust, anarchy, envy, and violence to attain their ends. They cannot – CANNOT – win through reasoned argument. They can only promise what they cannot deliver and hope their constituency is dumb enough to revolt.
    The promise of “Other People’s Money” is all they have – same cry for the last 2500 years – which is proof that it works (at least for the leaders of the movement, who get all the money while the slugs get the empty sack).

    izlamo delenda est …


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