Liz Warren: I Would Close Gitmo – IOTW Report

Liz Warren: I Would Close Gitmo

Breitbart: During Thursday’s “PBS NewsHour” Politico Democratic debate, 2020 presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) pledge to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility if she is elected president.

Moderator Yamiche Alcindor asked, “Would you pledge to finally close the detention facility, and if elected, how will you do it?”

Warren responded, “Yes. It’s time to close this detention facility. It not only costs us money, it is an international embarrassment. We have to be an America that lives our values every single day.” watch

15 Comments on Liz Warren: I Would Close Gitmo

  1. “…lives our values…”

    What a fucking cunt. Where to start with this one? The hypocrisy with REgressives is monumental. Whomever gets their nod is going to be walking into a buzzsaw running against Trump.

  2. She wants to close it before she becomes a resident.

    Brennen is crapping his Depends today as NYT let’s the world know he is next in the JD hopper. This indicates that the investigation only has one more stop before the GITMO hotel opens, the Magic Negro is on deck.

    Do not think for a minute any of these weasels won’t sing on the Marxist Mouse Dick Muslim…Janes Baker, Rodro, Aunt Loretta, and most likely Andy have already sung on Brennen.

    He will sing on Comey and on the mom jeans man sucker. Hopefully he will end up in a cell between Lizzy in a Tizzy and the Lizard Queen. That would be ultimate justice.

  3. sure she would along with:

    tax the middle class
    give away free education
    make all illegal immigrants legal
    regulate businesses out of existence
    stop oil drilling and exporting
    reverse the new trade deals
    hire all lbgqtabc nut cases she could
    take away your guns
    abort your children

    anything to make your life miserable.

    what’s not to like?

  4. So exactly what are our values?

    And by exactly, I mean exactly.

    How about a very specific and defined list of them, as if a Leftist will ever be specific.

    BTW, how many different directions did she go in that answer to a simple question?

  5. How many Democrat Presidents and those running for President have said that? Gawd, they’d say anything to get on the ballot. Thankfully none of them are electable. GO TRUMP!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!


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