Liz Warren says no one cares about the Mueller report – IOTW Report

Liz Warren says no one cares about the Mueller report

DC: Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said most voters do not care about special counsel Robert Mueller’s completed report into on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election Monday.

In a video posted on Twitter, Warren was seen running to catch a train, and was followed by someone with a camera, who began asking her multiple questions. One of those questions was about the Mueller report.

“We should all be able to see the Mueller report. It should be made public. Let everybody read it,” Warren said. “But I’ll tell you something, I just spent the last two days doing public events in New Hampshire. I took a ton of questions. Do you know how many questions I got about the Mueller report? Zero. People want to know about the things that touch their lives every day.”

This comes as Democrats running for president in 2020 would not answer questions regarding the results of special counsel Robert Mueller after multiple inquiries from The Daily Caller News Foundation, including Warren.


19 Comments on Liz Warren says no one cares about the Mueller report

  1. She’s right. No one cares about the report. We care about heads rolling for wasting our time and 25+ million dollars of wasted taxpayer money. Who does she think should go down? Ask her that.

  2. She is right that the Mueller report on Trump/Russia collusion has no further purpose (Herr Mueller completed his investigation shortly after his minions reported to him that they had effectively destroyed all evidence of Clinton and Democrat collusion, thievery, criminal and traitorous activities)!

  3. Liz Warren needs to stop sniffing the air and check her shoes, because she and her left leaning pals have really stepped in it this time around. Try scraping it off Liz, because you still stink.

  4. So a group of rabid, ultra liberal Democrat operatives had no questions to Liz Warren about the hoax and attempted coup she’s been backing for the last two years

    Well, just knock me over with a feather

  5. Is her new injun name “Lights With Gas”?

    If that report came back with a single indictment it would have triggered impeachment proceedings.

    The libs are lining up behind her already. I’ve seen the bumperstickers. It’s Bernie and her. Old and Older.

    Less Friendly Hillary Clinton / 2020

  6. What was originally a huge Triple Bacon Cheeseburger with large fries has shriveled to nothing and it has blown away in the wind.

    Liz says: It was never anything more than a nothing burger.


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