Liz Wheeler: Where is Durham?! – IOTW Report

Liz Wheeler: Where is Durham?!

Why didn’t John Durham release his report before the election so we could see for ourselves the role that Joe Biden played in spying on Team Trump?

h/t Rich Taylor

21 Comments on Liz Wheeler: Where is Durham?!

  1. This is the man we need in those positions

    Lin Wood
    Brian Kemp, Brad Raffensperger, Geoffrey Duncan, Gabriel Sterling.

    Remember names. They are ALL going to jail. They are complicit in foreign interference with national election.

    They will be joined by many others.

    To those threatening me, stop wasting your time. I am fearless.

  2. Decades of Ivy League hires will do that to a country. Every HR department of every bureaucracy is run by them and every hire must pass muster.

    It’s no accident that you can find dozens of images of groups of FBI agents taking a knee to BLM.

  3. “Remember names. They are ALL going to jail.”

    None of them will go to jail, or even be charged with anything.

    But you can expect Trump and his administrations’ close associates to be facing jail time, and likely getting it.
    After Jan 20th Trump’s biggest challenge will likely be staying out of jail himself, not how to put someone else in it.

    The Democrats are vindictive by nature and never forgive or forget. They may be delayed for a while, but they just bide their time and wait till the right moment to pounce on their current and past enemies.

  4. Durham is busy committing treason with Barr.

    Do we all get it yet?

    We need to step back and realize what has happened: our schools have been COMPLETELY infiltrated by agents of a communist country(China), our media has been infiltrated by agents of a communist country(China, and our government has been infiltrated by agents of a communist country(China). If biden and harris get into office, the infiltration will be complete.

    The hell with the discussion about Barr or Durham – we are about to be completely taken over by a malignant foreign power.

    Let’s start the discussion there.

  5. “Would it have been less believable with a Durham report?”

    Well, there’s this;

    What’s perplexing to me is that both Barr and Durham were dissatisfied with the Horowitz findings, both said there was clear irrefutable evidence that the Obama/Biden admin. illegally spied on the Trump team. Barr gave Durham a wide mandate to investigate the intelligence apparatus within the Crossfire Hurricane probe, he classified the investigation as “criminal” specifically so that he could have subpoena power, he could convene a Grand Jury and he could file criminal charges. Then a year later he widened the net to include both Hillary’s email and her foundation.

    Durham seemed confident, capable, and tenacious in his pursuit of the truth. We all said to ourselves, “Finally, these rogue lawless agents will be exposed, their criminality confirmed, and they will all be led away in orange jumpsuits”.

    But none of this happened.

    We all like to think that the truth eventually wins out, but it doesn’t. Sometimes the good guys get their teeth kicked in and the bad guys get the adulation and the prom queen.

  6. Trump has done a lot of stupid things, mostly having to do with surrounding himself with deep state operatives. His personality clash with Steve Bannon and refusal to make him chief of staff was one of his biggest mistakes. Bannon would have ensured that all the administration was made up of patriots as well as all the department heads at the FBI, CIA, etc. Now the chickens have come home to roost.


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