Liz Yore: Moms are the real and present political threat to the Left and the Democrat Party – IOTW Report

Liz Yore: Moms are the real and present political threat to the Left and the Democrat Party


9 Comments on Liz Yore: Moms are the real and present political threat to the Left and the Democrat Party

  1. PSA; If your mom is still alive, call her, tell her how much you love her and what a great job she did raising you, as evidenced by how well you turned out.

    My mom passed last month. I went to see her a week before on her birthday, so glad I did. She is with God now and at peace.

    She was a single mom, who struggled her whole life but never shirked her “mom” responsibilities. My life could have turned to shit a hundred different ways, but her indomitable will would not allow it.

    We honor moms, the progs view them as second-class citizens, they are the weaker for it.

    God bless all moms out there.

  2. And of course, DHS Disinformation Czar Nina Tarantino-Jancowicz is going after moms (and dads) who are fighting CRT and Drag Queen Theology being taught in our schools. Looks like she’s more concerned with job security than homeland security.

  3. Rich….sorry your Mom passed. Thanks for sharing a little of your story. I pray she’s made ready to meet the Lord and for you to know comfort. Peace, erb

  4. Happy Mother’s Day!
    The preacher at our church went off on the devilish crap children are being taught today.
    He talked about moms and dads unprogramming their kids when they get home.
    Part of the teaching was from I Thes 4 where it talks about keeping control over your own bodies and sexual immorality.

    Yay for us moms who don’t or didn’t give one whit what the schools think or thought of us and stood up to them.

  5. I honor mothers today. We are part of the foundation for a moral, ethical and civil family structure as God designed. However, fathers are the ones created and commanded by God to turn nations towards righteousness through Christ. Fathers, their status is the real threat to the Demoncrat Party and the Left.


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