Lizzo Sued For Assault, Sexual Harassment & Discrimination By Dancers – IOTW Report

Lizzo Sued For Assault, Sexual Harassment & Discrimination By Dancers

Deadline: Lizzo has been sued by a trio of her former touring dancers for sexual harassment, assault, discrimination and fostering a “hostile work environment.”

In a broad complaint for unspecified damages filed Tuesday morning in Los Angeles Superior Court, Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez also allege that they were body-shamed, put through a self-described “excruciating” audition for their own jobs after they were accused of drinking on the clock, and held to prohibitive “soft hold” retainers. Naming four-time Grammy winner Lizzo herself (aka) Melissa Jefferson, plus Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc. and Shirlene Quigley, the head of the performer’s dance team, the suit (read it here) vividly describes the dancers being forced to attend and participate in sex shows while on tour, having their virginity mocked, being subject to religious diatribes as well as a case of “false imprisonment.” MORE

29 Comments on Lizzo Sued For Assault, Sexual Harassment & Discrimination By Dancers

  1. Hahahahahaha….Stay Puft is gettin’ sued for being an asshole and destroying NYC.

    This just reinforces one of my top rules of life….never trust a fat (think obese) chick, they always have an axe to grind.

  2. The plaintiffs were all over 18 years of age. They knew beforehand what was required of them. They knew the genre of the act they were joining. From reading the first few pages of the complaints’ detail it just sounds like at each juncture of their decision-making they decided it was worth it, instead of quitting — which they were free to do.

    Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas is what this amounts to.

    And they need a better lawyer. Whoever wrote the complaint sounds like a high-schooler who binge watches Law & Order.

  3. On whose shoulders AT 8:05 PM
    “needs to be rendered into lamp oil.

    …it would be worse and more dangerous to have around the house than a Gweneth Partlow candle.

  4. …a dancer was being forced to have sex with Lizzo and his whole body fell into her vagina. He held up a lighter to see where he was and to his surprise saw another man. He asked him how he came to be there and the man replied, “I just came in here looking for my horse”.

  5. This Lizzo person seems like a perfect cabinet appointment for the remainder of Brandon’s Term. Seems like she would fit right in, Well… She might need her own section on air farce one. *shrug*

  6. Ok, since I retired from AD ten years ago I’m not the 185 lb studly Injun I used to be, but I’m willing to admit my current extra pounds are through self indulgence. “Lizzo” on the other hand admits nothing when she is the poster child for maximized self celebratory self indulgence.

    I have never been a small fella but you could get at least three of me into that monstrous blob of excessive putrid excess, it surprises me not one iota that she is a nasty, self serving satanic pig.

    All you have to do is look at her to know that, but libs are in a constant state of infantile denialism, so they are taking it extra hard that another of their icons is a fraud.

    Well news flash Marxists, all your heros are nasty, self serving frauds. It’s a prerequisite for being a Lucifer loving red diaper doper baby.

    If you worshiped the Lord God Amighty instead of Lizzo you would be far less disappointed…


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