LMAO! Meghan McCain Oinked: Trump Is ‘Deeply Emasculated by My Father’s Legacy’ – IOTW Report

LMAO! Meghan McCain Oinked: Trump Is ‘Deeply Emasculated by My Father’s Legacy’

On Monday’s broadcast of ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain said President Donald Trump was “deeply emasculated” by her late father, former Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) legacy. – Breitbart.

SNIP: Legacy? What legacy, Meggie?
Losing to 0bama?
The Keating Five scandal?
Dumping his chubby and disabled ex-wife?
The way he trashed Sarah Palin, his own VP candidate?
That he continued 0bamaCare with his vote?
Pushing the BS ‘Russian Pee Dossier’ against candidate Trump?

33 Comments on LMAO! Meghan McCain Oinked: Trump Is ‘Deeply Emasculated by My Father’s Legacy’

  1. This grade school level taunting is tiresome. Like tacking “phobe” after words to make it about fear rather than just not liking something. Islamophobia is supposed to be a thing. I avoid dog shit but I’m not afraid of it.

  2. MJA

    You have stolen my thunder!

    You left out 1 thing, the reason John hatdr Ronny. Ronny wanted him in jail for Keating. Had a liberal named Dole not been a “leader” in the Senate John Mc, John Glenn, Alan C et. al. would have got some free room + board!

    the “Deep State” /UNIPARTY did not just happen!

  3. Walpurgis
    DECEMBER 17, 2019 AT 8:07 AM
    “This grade school level taunting is tiresome. Like tacking “phobe” after words to make it about fear rather than just not liking something. Islamophobia is supposed to be a thing. I avoid dog shit but I’m not afraid of it.”

    …but the dog shit doesn’t hate you for being alive and not agreeing to be dog shit YOURSELF , @Walpurgis, and it doesn’t get so mad at YOU that it launches a cowardly attack on some completely random group of people it KNOWS the Govenment has taken all the pooper-scoopers from, in “retaliation” for you daring to not worship the dog the shit CAME from.

    That’s a difference.

    Islam is like Hillary Clinton. They BOTH kill people and get away with it, because of our screwed-up, Democrat led Govenment. Under the circumstances, there is nothing IRRATIONAL about distrusting Islam OR Hillary Clinton, so “-phobia” is an inappropriate projection about how Democrats feel about US…

  4. Meeeghan McShame should ponder that her father dumped his wife because she was no longer trophy grade and married somebody else’s money. DJT earned his. JSM 3rd was only honored because his grandfather and father practically pioneered Naval Aviation for the US.

  5. I think it’s cute that she defends the indefensibility of her father’s legacy.
    Loyalty is rare among creatures of the dark.
    (course, as soon as somebody offers her a bowl of Lindt’s she’ll change sides)

    And besides, somebody’s got to do it.

    izlamo delenda est …


    Her father was a liar (ask his constituents), a cheat (ask his first wife, one of America’s worst navy pilots (ask anyone in the navy, and a songbird (ask his fellow pows).

    He’s personally responsible for bringing down more American air crafts than the Chinese or Russians!

    Why can’t anyone be honest about John McCain’s true legacy? It’s not pretty.

  7. Hey piggie it was YOUR dad that spent the last year of his life penning farewell letters and planning a presidential funeral for a failed potus candidate that didn’t include the current potus. If anyone is living rent free it was Trump in McCains head. That scumbag was so hateful he couldn’t even keep his promise to repeal Obamacare.

  8. Hey Pork Chop.

    PRESIDENT Trump will enter God’s Kingdom as one helluva glorious and magnificent bastard. 🤘😎🤘

    John McStain entered the Kingdom of Hell as one helluva corrupt, brain cancer riddened, loathsome, and despised motherfucker.

  9. She’s never going to see him as he really was, or maybe she’s just never going to admit it. She only has a platform to oink out her stupidity because of his name. Sick to death of politicians’ corrupt, stupid kids cashing in on their corrupt parents’ coattails.

  10. Over the years, I’ve had chance to meet the adult children of some first class assholes that I had known or worked with over the years. When I learn who they are, I never tell them what I thought of their parent. I simply acknowledge that I know them and say something benign to them. I figure that they know better than me that their parent is a douchebag. That being said, if I ever met Megan McCain, I’d unload on her what a world class POS I think her father really is. He’s that bad!

  11. Vietnam now has the title of one of the worlds most corrupt countries with a rating of just 35 out of 100 (Canada has a rating of 82). If you want anything just bring enough Dongs (no really, that’s the currency and it’s kind of apropos). So I wonder how many Dongs it would take to get a hold of McCain’s actual POW file out of the archives (or safety deposit box)? If the rumors are true and he sang like a little bird after a few minutes of questioning (and maybe a few slaps) and then continued to cooperate with them right up to the end costing American lives then that would be the end of his legacy and his daughters career. I’d say it would be worth it.

  12. Maybe she is concerned that Trump will take away her “nest egg”. How much of a stipend does she receive from the John and Cindy McCain Family Foundation? How much did the donations from that Foundation play into their receiving an education a’la Lori “Admissions Scandal” Louglin {https://www.philanthropy.com/article/Where-John-McCains-Foundation/194257}.
    While alive he repeatedly stated he had nothing to do with the McCain Institute {https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/08/john-mccains-claim-he-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-mccain-institute/}. Oh look, there is Kurt Volker! Now where have I seen his name recently? Hmm!
    Does Meghan receive any money in any way shape or form from the McCain Institute or Family Foundation?
    Xavier College Preparatory {https://www.xcp.org/ –“changing global society in a positive and productive manner celebrating unity in diversity.”} and the McCain Family Values obviously taught her to be a good globalist.
    I wonder if breaking up the “Elite Club” is a threat to “everything my father stood for”. (Liberals: hiding (their true agenda) behind children, sick, poor, and dead people since forever).


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