LOADS of snow headed for California and Pacific Northwest – IOTW Report

LOADS of snow headed for California and Pacific Northwest

IceAgeNow: An atmospheric river predicted by NOAA next week could dump significant snowfall at higher elevations in the Cascades and Sierra Nevada of northern California.

Cascades - Bullion Basin and Crystal Mountain
Cascades – Bullion Basin and Crystal Mountain

Both Portland and Sacramento’s National Weather Service stations say this looks likely but are unsure of the details.

Still, current models call for significant snowfall on higher elevations of northern California, Oregon, and Washington.  MORE

17 Comments on LOADS of snow headed for California and Pacific Northwest

  1. I’m ready – bring it on! It’s a little overcast kind of breezy at the moment here in N. CA. Haven’t had a good storm in about 8-10 years. Every time they have a weather alert to get the natives riled up, the storm fizzles. Kinda like when they predict “a monster hurricane, unprecedented, largest in recorded history, get out now, you won’t hear from us again this is the last warning!” Then the hurricane fizzles, just like these killer storms coming our way. I’ve never been in a killer storm. I guess I’m living right!

  2. See?
    Classic Climate Change. We have harmed the Earth Goddess with our grubbing for wealth in the Chimpy-McBush-Trump-Industrial-Military-Haliburton-Complex
    As sure as there are Chem Trails crossing our once clear skies, you can see that this a DIRECT result of deplorable Neanderthals and irredeemable Racist Bastards liking Trump.
    That and the thickest Arctic ice in decades, tell the tale of man Made Climate change crimes against the Mother.
    The Ice Pack does not lie.
    More ice here = More heat somewhere else.
    Desertification here means undesirable moisture elsewhere.
    All because of Conservative Ideas.
    Hilary is vastly more qualified to nurture our Earth back to robust health and put an end to all this lack of Sun Spot nonsense. She is of the Stronger Sex. From her peaty loins spring the promise of stern motherhood and guidance (and yes, a spanking from time to time), and the cares of all Gaia’s precious life forms rest upon her wide thighs.
    How dare the ghouls on the right complain about her trustworthiness?
    She lies because she has to!
    That’s how a WOman gets things done in the hetero-normative-man-controlled jungle that we inherited from Bush.
    Deal with it.
    Humans are Nature’s worst experiment.

  3. I ran into snow on Monday morning up North of Kalispell, Mt. in Whitefish and Columbia Falls. Especially Columbia Falls had at least an inch or two of wet sloppy snow that was sticking to the ground. But S of Kalispell there was no snow. Today was just rainy and wet, gray, gloomy and not above 50 degrees all over Eastern Wash., down through the Tri Cities and out towards Yakima and back, my windshield wipers got a good workout today. And now they say we’re in for another wind storm late tonight through tomorrow. Yuck! Good luck Seattleites including my brother, you’re going to get the worst of it.

  4. If this trend continues, California will be covered by 347 feet of ice by next years.

    This is the perfect time to A) panic, and – way more importantly – B) donate massive amounts of cash to my totally legit charitable foundation, Graft Inc., dedicated to stopping Globull Cooling™ (mainly by sending me to various fun places on a private jet to spew bullshit at naive donors, and paying my astronomical salary).

  5. The forecast is for RAIN, 100 mph winds and 45 foot waves on the coast if it lands to the west of Seattle. It may go low to Portland, or high to Vancouver Canada. Won’t know till Saturday am.

  6. Man the best Duck day I ever had was 70 mph Gail force winds. Damn ducks were flying into the wind and moving backwards. We caught them with nets as the wind blew them backwards. Never fired a shot a limited in 7 minutes. The last Duck we caught bare handed.

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