Local mother and resident says that the 20K Haitians are out-pricing and pushing low-income renters like her out – IOTW Report

Local mother and resident says that the 20K Haitians are out-pricing and pushing low-income renters like her out

Local mother and resident of 7+ years says that the 20,000+ Haitians are outpricing and pushing low-income renters like her out of the neighborhood with money from assisted living, food stamps, and other government aid.

7 Comments on Local mother and resident says that the 20K Haitians are out-pricing and pushing low-income renters like her out

  1. Huh, I wonder just WHO THE FUCK is behind that.

    Knowing our own ‘government’ is behind such actions, you’d think the military would step in….assuming the ‘military’ was still on our side.

  2. The more subsidized housing, the higher market rents go, the higher taxes go to support the more numerous subsidies and the higher the property taxes as rents rise.
    It’s happened here.
    A 400sq ft studio apt around here is $2000 mo.


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