Local operator explains why he believes downed object may be Illinois club’s radio balloon – IOTW Report

Local operator explains why he believes downed object may be Illinois club’s radio balloon

KETV: OMAHA, Neb. — A local amateur radio operator sheds light on what could be one of the unidentified objects shot down over U.S. airspace.

An Illinois club says its balloon disappeared after being recorded in Alaska on the 11th.

That’s the same day the military shot an object from the sky.

KETV NewsWatch 7 spoke to an Omaha radio operator for his expertise on the balloon.

Rick Rodgers is a local ham radio operator or someone who uses amateur radio station equipment to talk to people around the world.

Rodgers says his hobby has connected him with the ‘Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade’. A group that has been getting national attention because they believe one of the unidentified objects shot down could potentially be theirs.

Rodgers is in two local clubs, and through the years he’s heard of balloons being sent up in the atmosphere by other hobbyist. MORE

4 Comments on Local operator explains why he believes downed object may be Illinois club’s radio balloon

  1. Fugeddaboudit. Balloon story is a distraction. The democrats don’t want us focusing on Bidens failed economy, China and Russia threatening war when we have a completely useless president and a dangerously weakened military, the impending banking system failure where the banks can LEGALLY CONFICATE OUR DEPOSITS! Doubt me? Research BAIL-INS. Then there’s the Biden Family Crime scandal. And It’s becoming more obvious every day that the federal government lied to us about Covid. Oh, don’t forget Nordstream. The democrats have a lot they cannot defend. The MSM has to create distractions every day.

  2. Sure looks like our defense system is worthless, shoot anything that looks like a balloon and we’ll have someone else sort it out on the ground, if they can find it. 5 or 8 hundred dollars worth of $12 balloons and we’ll be out of defense missiles. Your tax dollars gone in a flash bang.

  3. Failed economy? Where, when?
    See here in America we are fokng just fine, yeah prices are a little high on food & rent. But blame everything on the big guy? You give him too much credit, see all the blame needs to go to the former guy’s failed policies.

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