Local Resident Files Complaint Against Owner of Home Biden’s Staying In – IOTW Report

Local Resident Files Complaint Against Owner of Home Biden’s Staying In

WJ: A mansion inhabited by the president during his vacation in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, is under scrutiny from at least one member of the community.

The property — owned by Democrat megabillionaire donor Tom Steyer — hosted Biden and his family during an August vacation.

The Nevada Globe confirmed that a local in the community filed a complaint with Douglas County over use of the lakefront mansion as a vacation home rental on Monday.

Douglas County Vacation Home Rental Program Manager Ernie Strehlow later indicated that the county was investigating possible misuse of the property.

Douglas County requires licensing for use of residential property as vacation home. more

28 Comments on Local Resident Files Complaint Against Owner of Home Biden’s Staying In

  1. Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” #4 “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    Now, I don’t know (and don’t care) about the political leaning of the one filing the complaint.
    But it warms the cockles of my flabby black heart to see a DildoCrat being roasted over a fire of rules that he probably instigated, at the least agreed to when he bought the house.

  2. They will just pay a fine. Biden can’t been seen taking a vacation paid for by a Dem donor. The complaint/suit does force their hand in terms of how it was paid for and force some transparency I guess.

  3. Put another way, he wants to let a tramp, a junkie, and a serial pedophile live in the neighborhood, along with armed enforcers that will act like Third World soldati ALWAYS do in an unarmed population.

    Not to mention literal TONS of traffic, and 24/7 noise, not just on the road but in the air as well, plus disreputable characters from the media hanging around, filching things, hitting on their kids, and leaving booze bottles and drug paraphernalia everywhere.

    That ISN’T what you buy into an exclusive neighborhood for.

    Liberals only want O T H E R people to have to accept everyone by bending over and holding their ankles, NOT their own precious selves.

    …its the old “it stops being funny when it starts being you” thing, but applied to a pedophile fraud and his scumbag kin…

  4. JP AT 11:21 AM
    “The complaint/suit does force their hand in terms of how it was paid for and force some transparency I guess.”

    ….”The terms of the settlement were not disclosed. In other news, Trump was indicted today for being alive…”

  5. “Let’s just call it a kickback — instead of ‘rental’.”
    So what do we call what Uncle Tom /Clarence Thomas does? Total corruption. A investigation into his Uncle Tom’s grifting by the IRS, DOJ & FBI needs to start NOW.

  6. @ SNS AT 11:26 AM

    Anyone who doesn’t recognize that it has been in Pedo Pete’s interest to have drug addiction on his shitbag son’s resume’ is awful slow on the uptake. My inclination is that Pedo Pete has done everything possible to keep the rotten bastard addicted and using in order to provide the Biden criminal operation a convenient fall guy.

  7. Loco
    I think that bastards so evil he poisons everything he touches. Lets hope he doesn’t go in the water.
    They used to film Bonanza about 4 miles from there. Very awesome country.

  8. If you’re ever on the North East end of the lake, our favorite, you need to eat at the Lone Eagle Grill. It’s on the water next to the Hyatt. Damn good food. They serve an Elk Sirloin that melt in your mouth. Best red meat I’ve ever had

  9. geoff the aardvark – Joey’s so goddamned stupid they wouldn’t let him on Epstein Island… which I believe is the root cause of Jackass Joe’s inate, deep-seated hatred for everyone and everything.

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