Local taxes can increase now with law eliminating Illinois’ grocery tax in 2026 – IOTW Report

Local taxes can increase now with law eliminating Illinois’ grocery tax in 2026

(The Center Square) – There’s a lot more to the newly enacted law eliminating Illinois’ grocery tax in 2026. Local governments can now impose their own 1% tax, along with other sales tax increases. 

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced Monday he signed House Bill 3144, touting relief he said the measure will bring. 

“Even with inflation cooling off every dollar counts, so I’m proud we’re doing what we can to make trips to the grocery store a little easier,” Pritzker said in a statement. “It’s one more important part of lifting the burden on Illinois families.” more

14 Comments on Local taxes can increase now with law eliminating Illinois’ grocery tax in 2026

  1. Well, this is certainly unexpected: dishonesty from govt thieves.

    “Look how nice I am! I’m giving you two whole packets of stale peanuts! Enjoy! … (OK, boys, go grab everything out of the pantry and refrigerator.)

  2. Pritzker is a pompous idiot who essentially doubled our taxes on everything and had automatic increases put in forever. So he thinks 1% is going to help? No, along with the other tax increases we are going to be worse off than ever. Now, local communities can impose their own taxes. The community next to us has an 11% sales tax, ours is only %8.5 and it is lower than 75% of all other cities in Illinois. What else would you expect from a Demoncrat run Blue State

  3. I’m a lifelong resident of Illinois. They delayed shoving another gas tax hike on us earlier this year. We just got it a couple weeks ago and gas jumped $.40 a gallon or more. Up until a few years ago seniors like me weren’t charged state tax on our income. This bastard dumped a 60% tax on the little I earned working part time. Fuck him.

  4. So, which cities need to get lobbed off?

    East St. Louis?

    I used to drive through southern Illinois and enjoy seeing the farmland, which is superb.

  5. The only move that will save Illinois is eliminating Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker, the democrat controlled House and Senate, Dem. Secretary of State and Democrat Attorney General for a start. Even then it will take decades to repair the damage imposed by the democrat Super Majority.
    The Democrat machine has snuffed out citizen dissent.

    Even the former GOP Governor (Edgar) showing his true Socialist colors endorsed Harris for President. The GOP (what’s left of it) is filled with traitorous wolves masquerading as sheep (Edgar, Walsh and Kitzinger and those quietly working behind the scenes sowing discord and lies).

    Illinois has become a disgusting parody of a once great State.

    Illinois, formerly known as the “Land of Lincoln”. Presently known as the “Land of Marx”.

  6. Hoo Hoo
    Haa Haa

    I was just thinking about something very, very similar.
    That msNBC Yasheesh heavyset reporter . . .
    Is that stacotto blast of talk she does . . .
    because of that corsett squeezing her diapraghm so tight?

  7. What’s all the fussing about? Illinois currently has a $14/hour minimum wage which is up from $8.25/hour back in 2019. It’s set to move up to $15/hour come January 2025.

    They even went out of their way for you and immediately enacted PICA.

    And even though he’s 82 years old, I hear former speaker Madigan is finally going to get into trouble.

    I won’t mention the mayor of Dolton,IL.

    See? You guys are really get to live it up.

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