Lockdowns Had Zero Impact on Covid, Major Study Finds – IOTW Report

Lockdowns Had Zero Impact on Covid, Major Study Finds


Stripping people of their freedoms and forcing the public into lockdowns during the pandemic had zero impact in controlling Covid, a major new study has found.

A new Oxford University-backed study determined that Covid lockdowns made no difference to the outcome of the pandemic.

The researchers found that the results would have been the same if governments allowed people to make their own decisions about protecting themselves and their family members from the virus.

Researchers modeled virus deaths and unemployment rates in response to different pandemic policies.

Results showed imposing blanket shutdowns, which forced people to stay home and closed essential shops, lowered recorded cases of the virus.

However, leaving people to adapt their own behavior was just as effective, data revealed.

Published in the peer-reviewed Nature Human Behaviour Journal, the study was conducted by Oxford University‘s Institute of New Economic Thinking. more

16 Comments on Lockdowns Had Zero Impact on Covid, Major Study Finds

  1. but, but, but 14 days to slow the spread, or something like that. Remember, hospitals were so overwhelmed and lacked so much staff to handle the extreme load that gaggles of nurses had viral TikToks on empty floors of hospitals. By keeping people more than 6ft apart and wearing an effective piece of paper on their face it was able to slow the spread enough to allow breathing room for our hospitals.

    But the one thing that most definitely had the biggest bestest impact on covid was when a certain governor rounded up and locked all coof patients into nursing homes to protect the most vulnerable with early onset immunity since the most effective and safe shot in the world hadn’t yet been invented. If all those old people weren’t exposed early to the most virulent strain of the coof they would have certainly died. oh, wait, *checks notes* nevermind.

  2. I never locked down and never quit going to my very international “essential business” workplace, where OlI did all my normal tasks plus some First Aid stuff including direct mouth-to-mouth on a dead kid, so other than wearing those ridiculous paper things my life never changed.

    I also never got sick.

    It was bullshit.

    All of it.

    It was never about a virus.

  3. Yes, but the Drain Bamage it caused, Suicides, & Financial Wrecks were exactly what the WEF & UN Ordered.

    I meet more Complete Morons Now than ever before in my life.

  4. About late spring or early summer, here in Seattle, there was an uptick in the number of mask wearers. This was in direct response to the media trying to distract the know-nothings from the Hunter Biden laptop stories and Brandon’s lingering classified documents stories. After a while, the mask wearing fell off because there were no follow-on stories or speculation about a new “strain” of the genetically-engineered “virus”.

    There are still people, here and there, who are wearing masks; not many. It’s plain stupid. I can’t imagine being that fearful all the time. I try to catch the eyes of mask wearers and give them a piercing stare with a somewhat mirthful, questioning expression. They always look away as if something in them knows for a fact they’ve been fooled and they look foolish. They behave as though they were always at the back of the herd and now they’re doing extra time as penance.

    None of the mask-wearers ever looked at even one of the many articles or pictures showing the size of a covid “virus” molecule in relation to the openings in a mask (of any kind).

    Another study that pronounces what most of us knew the whole time.

    We knew it was tyranny as soon as they closed family-owned businesses and kept Home Depot open; closed churches, but protected pot shops.

  5. Anon @ 4:00PM,

    100% Right!
    It was about Eliminating Trump by FEAR, Voter Fraud, & Dividing the WORLD, not just the USA.
    COOF favored the Cowards & those who WANTED to be controlled rather than independent.


  6. I opted out. I just did what I damn well felt like. Put the kids in the truck and went to Silverwood in May of 2020. Soon as we crossed into free north Idaho damn near everybody else was on the same page.

  7. We, in MO, didn’t pay much attention. But I heard horror stories from my uncle in MD who was saying the State Troopers were pulling people over to find out why they were out and about.

    In Springfield they shut down a lot of shit but we had ways around it.

    I used to telephone a shop to ask if he was cleaning that day. That was code for, “I’m here”. We had to sneak in the back door.

    Outside of Springfield it was pretty much no change.

    I remember in Ozark a sign was, “The MAYOR of Ozark requires you to wear a mask!”, which meant, “The MAYOR of Ozark is a scumbag!”. None of the employees wore face diapers, and no one adhered to bullshit authorities.

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