Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines Have All Been Complete Failures, But That’s Not the Real Problem – IOTW Report

Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines Have All Been Complete Failures, But That’s Not the Real Problem

h/t NAAC.

American Thinker:By William Sullivan
It’s becoming ever more apparent that the government health intelligentsia’s efforts to protect Americans from COVID have been a complete failure.  That’s why you’ve heard nothing about its success. 

But here’s what we do know for sure:

There’s never been any convincing evidence that wearing a loose-fitting rag over your face stops viral spread, but if that doesn’t give one pause to question the efficacy of the practice, then there’s always the incontrovertible fact that there isn’t a single place on the planet which can be pointed toward as the beacon of evidence for the efficacy of mask mandates. 

Regarding the insanity of mass masking, Ian Miller continues doing the yeoman’s work of using government-collected data to produce very convincing arguments that the cloth masks and mandates are useless, in both easily digestible graphics and prose, on his Substack and Twitter account — both of which I recommend.  You won’t be shocked to learn that the media has, thus far, been uninterested in reporting any of it.

Those who brought us the six-foot distancing standard have openly admitted that they invented it without any real scientific premise — it just sounded good, and they thought it was something people could easily follow. 

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9 Comments on Lockdowns, Masks, and Vaccines Have All Been Complete Failures, But That’s Not the Real Problem

  1. I don’t know if we’ll ever know the true numbers, because even in states like Oklahoma, Texas and Florida you have State Health Departments that I for one don’t trust, who get their numbers from inaccurate tests and hospitals who have a financial agenda for cooking numbers. Not to mention I watched these hospitals on the news many times wringing their hands telling us how bad it is and how scared we should be only to visit these hospitals and discover they sure were hiding all of these covid patients well, even hiding the covid floor well. Then those doctors and nurses you saw on tv didn’t even work with covid patients and couldn’t even tell you where the covid floor was.

  2. Double Dipped Scoops.

    Yesterday sounded so much better than it does today.

    Oh say can you see, yet?

    You must show proof of ID and sign your name to get the Vax shot. You are also WAIVING your rights with your signature.

    As a test, and this is not only a test, what happens if you DO NOT sign the release?

    State that you will take the shot but will NOT sign a releases.

    What will happen?

    THEY will NOT give you the shot without that signature.

    That PROVES that it isn’t about the shot at all nor your health or anyone else’s health.

  3. State that you will take the shot but will NOT sign a releases.

    What will happen?

    THEY will NOT give you the shot without that signature.

    Unless they accidentally give it to you, that has happened numerous of times now, mainly in WalGreens across the country, but I’ve also seen a few cases of WalMart doing it and even some clinics.

    Then if you’re a kid they’re giving it to them without parental consent.

    Something that pisses me off about the test is when my husband had to go to the hospital they give you no choice, you have to be tested or they won’t allow you to be treated. At the first hospital he refused the test and they told him he couldn’t be transferred without a negative test and he’d have to sign a release form that he was refusing the test and by doing so was refusing treatment.
    Then 48 hours after being in the other hospital they told him he had to be tested again and again he refused and again was told the same thing, he’d have to sign refusal to test and treatment. He told them he wouldn’t sign anything and they said they would sign that he refused.

  4. OT

    Been trying to ESP.
    Tell BFH and Joe Dan to LISTEN.
    Pinko too.
    Email was and is never an option.
    Could be a couple more days before next opportunity.

    May be the RAM

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