LOL – IOTW Report


Stilton’s Place <— go say hi.

17 Comments on LOL

  1. Sorry. I’m being a dick and have lost my sense of humor. This cocksucker nearly destroyed my country and I still don’t think it’s funny.

    As for #44….

    Oh just never mind.

  2. @ PattyH – don’t know a darn about ya, but don’t you do come to IOTW to…laugh out loud at times??

    Cheer up my fellow poster, DJT is THE EFFING POTUS!!

    And his wife is beautiful!

    BTW, one of my goals is to visit your original homestead in Va.


  3. We currently have some fantastic political cartoonist/humorists Tony Branco, Glenn McCoy, Mike Ramirez, and of course Our Good Friend Stilton Jarlsberg is right up there with them!

    Keep fighting the good fight Stilt!


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