LOL! Another farcical impeachment brewing – IOTW Report

LOL! Another farcical impeachment brewing

Just the News-

Illinois Democratic Rep. Brad Schneider said impeachment is a process that would take a while to complete. Given that Trump has less than two weeks left in office, Schneider called on Republican leaders in the Senate and House to ask Trump to resign.

Dems are so boring.

18 Comments on LOL! Another farcical impeachment brewing

  1. Great! Declassify EVERYTHING and dump it into the public data sphere. I’m sure Wiki-leaks would volunteer to help. Dump every single piece of dirt on the s-bags. Throw in a couple of dozen pardons while he’s at it.

    PDJT, Jarod, Ivanka; HAVE YOU FIGURED IT OUT YET? Nothing will satisfy the woke mob.

  2. They want to attempt Trump and/or his family from seeking office in the future —- this is their intention not mention wet dream of Adam Schitforbrains.

    Heil to the new Kommander-in Thief.

  3. Pelosi the Lunatic wants the Nuclear Football taken from Trump as she claims He is unfit.

    The Guy who wants to bring troops home, promoted peace between several Arabic nations and Israel, and tried to normalize relations with that sac of shit in North Korea.

    Nancy, Nadler, Biden and Schumer are all totally fucking nuts and now they want the football early…

    And conservative are the problem???

  4. I almost wish Trump would resign a couple days early. I think it would be symbolic for Pence to be the one to hand the Republic over to the chinks. Would he retire with the President’s pension amount for his two days on the job?

  5. They couldn’t take their “win” and get on with their coup. Their contempt caused them to misjudge the anger at their actions. Now they are going to launch a futile attack on Trump in the waning days of his term and hand him another win as he goes home. Brilliant third world tactics, despots, born of deep insecurity and guilt.

  6. I don’t think they’re thinking about 4 years, I think they’re scared of something now.
    Same reason as to why they’re removing him from Social Media and Google and Apple are removing the other’s apps. Same reason why they’re purging conservatives.
    FB is so damn stupid they don’t realize how many people have more than one account including groups because of them always suspending people and taking groups down. Most of these people have the same hundreds or thousands of friends or group members on the alternate accounts. Many of these people say they’re not leaving because it’s much easier to get the info out there with the people they have instead of trying to do that much work in a short amount of time on another platform.
    Not to mention how people have learned how to avoid their bullshit censorship.
    They can’t keep us from talking to our neighbors, they can’t keep us from meeting up in our homes, hell they can’t even keep us out of restaurants, no matter how hard they try, because rural and small town America laugh at their bullshit and do as we please. Our county health people have to live near us, they keep their mouths shut because they learned the hard way that their neighbors and friends shunned them.

    The government is about to learn they might pick us off one by one, but they do that to too many in these areas all over the country and they’re going to find out how many can shoot a fly off the ass of a cow. So unless they plan on dropping bombs on us they can’t shut up probably 100 million Americans.

    What Graham got in the airport is what everyone of these traitors are getting from their states. Hell, most of them are scared to come home and face the music.

  7. Well except there are a lot of fake accounts with fake names, fake e-mails. Many people and groups figured this stuff out years ago. Before they started coming for political groups and people they came for gun groups, those that were selling guns and those who kept lists of non-gun friendly businesses, they came for farm groups, animal groups, hunting groups. Something all of those people have in common is 99% of them are also conservative.
    They shut down one private group and everyone knows where the other group is or are already a member with a fake account. So they chase their tails.

  8. Oh and most of these people also contact each other through e-mail to keep everyone up to date without FB monitoring your private messages, which they also do.

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