London Building An Anti-Terror ‘Ring Of Steel’ To Protect The City’s Skyscrapers – IOTW Report

London Building An Anti-Terror ‘Ring Of Steel’ To Protect The City’s Skyscrapers

AMN: London plans to build a £5 million ‘Ring Of Steel’ to protect the city’s highest skyscrapers from a terrorist attack. City officials plan to protect buildings in the financial district with a series of manned checkpoints, rising street bollards, restricted roads, and crash-proof barricades. Counter-terror specialists hope to implement the measures by 2022.


This isn’t the first time the city has been forced to implement a ‘ring of steel.’ IRA attacks on the Baltic Exchange in 1992 and Bishopsgate in 1993 prompted the original ‘ring of steel’ to be put into effect until the IRA ceasefire of 1994.


20 Comments on London Building An Anti-Terror ‘Ring Of Steel’ To Protect The City’s Skyscrapers

  1. “Impenetrable Ring Of Steel”.

    The French spent 20 years building one along the Maginot Line.

    Hitler had another one of those around Berlin in Spring 1945.

    It never means what they think it means.

  2. Had Winston Churchill gone on the defensive in WW II you’d be speaking German.
    You super smart politicians and British Royalty may want to rethink your strategy on this one. No team has ever won a game by not scoring points.

  3. The bloody Brits put Churchill in office to save them from Nazism, then they threw him out of office. In the sixties MP Enoch Powell warned them of unchecked immigration, they called him a racist and threw him out of office. Now they want to put “speed bumps” around their skyscrapers. Gimmeafuckenbreak!

  4. what is the TRUE reason for the ring of steel? who pays for it. ? Does it mean it legitimises underfunding of the NHS.? Does the ring of steel protect only the financial companies and not majority of Londoners?
    These are the questions which need answers but will you get truth from horsethief minded tories?

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