London Climate Protesters Lose Control of Hose Spewing ‘Fake Blood’ – IOTW Report

London Climate Protesters Lose Control of Hose Spewing ‘Fake Blood’

PJM: They held another climate protest in London — the second in less than two weeks — and things did not quite go according to plan.

The protest was put on by the group Extinction Rebellion, which wants to shut down the planet NOW before it’s too late. It makes one wonder how they’re going to get to their protests if there are no cars to take them?

No matter, they’re on a roll.

The protesters were planning to spray the British Treasury Building with about 500 gallons of fake blood. What happened next was hilarious.

19 Comments on London Climate Protesters Lose Control of Hose Spewing ‘Fake Blood’

  1. …if they actually knew anything about firefighting, they would know:
    1) Don’t use firefighting equipment for stupid things.
    2) Don’t use a hose from on TOP of a fire engine, use a deck gun.
    3) How to connect nozzle to hose.
    4) Use a Keenen loop for large diameter hose control.

    …of course, as to point (1), it was DEMOCRATS who ordered fire equipment to be used for stupid things like attacking civil rights protesters who were not on fire, so I suppose SOME things never change..

  2. …they also had an incompetent engineer, since this happened in plain sight of the enineering panel and didn’t get shut down IMMEDIATELY. Could be he chickened and ran away, too. Still, it’s just ONE lever, IF you set your tank return and tank to pump properly, and you could even kill the engine from the panel since you’re only running the one line and there’s no life hazard anyway.

    …also, it may have been he ran the pressure up too high in the first place and CAUSED the damage that resulted in the hose failure. You have two basic pump options, VOLUME and PRESSURE, and you go with VOLUME for large diameter DEFENSIVE lines…

  3. …you may be right, @huron, but if they were running a single line without the return open, that just reinforces that they didn’t have a CLUE how to operate it, ESPECIALLY since the whole operation would be tank-to-pump as I seriously doubt they would take a hydrant as that would not help make their lame point…if you’re running just the tank, you typically set up the return BEFORE you charge any lines, BECAUSE you don’t want to deadhead, should be AUTOMATIC for a trained engineer…

  4. …also, they didn’t seem to be adjusting their stream. Can’t really tell what kind of nozzle they were using, but unless they wanted to bust windows out, they should have at least STARTED to open their stream out to a broken or full dispersion stream, because that would give faster, fuller coverage, too…

  5. …that WOULD explain it, @huron, but it doesn’t look like they make any gesture to turn the nozzle off, and since they aren’t holding it properly and it doesn’t appear to be an automatic nozzle, so I don’t think it slipped and they unintentionally shut down, it looks like some deficit in the hose, maybe as simple as they just didn’t couple it correctly.

    …either way, pretty funny, but it would have been funnier STILL if it knocked one of them off the deck, or beat one of the ground guys back to sanity…

  6. huron
    OCTOBER 4, 2019 AT 8:10 PM
    “The thick beard runs the scott air pack down too quickly though.”

    …they made US shave, but we didn’t use Scott, we used MSA, and they didn’t seal great around the cheeks anyway…

  7. Claudia
    OCTOBER 4, 2019 AT 8:01 PM
    “Ooooo, firemen talk. Love your toxic masculinity!”

    …not too sure about that, @Claudia, in my FF days I was an attic rat because I was so skinny, I frequently found myself on and under roofs for ventilation purposes and finding hot spots and sometimes children, so at 165 lbs and 6’1, I wasn’t gonna give Schwarzenegger a run for his money.

    …on the other hand, the TOG made me look pretty bulky, and something about the uniform and the time I took her for a Code 3 ride in my POV on a response won me my wife, so must be SOMETHING about it, well, that, and the smoky smell after a house fire, maybe…

  8. Supernightshade I could pass a fit test with a beard but i was strongly advised to shave whitch is what i did. I like to run a little purge to keep the mask clear. No longer serve so the beard is back. I hated looking in closets and under beds.

  9. huron
    OCTOBER 4, 2019 AT 8:25 PM
    “I hated looking in closets and under beds.”

    …with you there, @huron, but I’d rather feel around a closet and under a bed all day if it kept me out of a basement search..

  10. I know absolutely nothing about firefighting equipment and how to operate it.
    But if I was to purchase a decommissioned firefighting rig I would insist on
    Instruction on how to operate. At least the basics. So i could pretend i knew what I was doing.

    Those eggheads and college professors that stood motionless during the eruption were classic know nothings. They merely wished to move onto the next phase of the protest. They wished to speechify and shake their girly arms and dainty fists at the capitalists.

    Then off to a high tea. Pinkies out. Tut tut


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